
301. THEORY OF SIXTEENTH CENTURY MUSIC. (2) Modal harmony, sixteenth century counterpoint. Corequisites: 305, 307, 311 302. THEORY OF TWENTIETH CENTURY MUSIC. (2) Twentieth century harmony and counterpoint. Corequisites: 306,308,312 311. KEYBOARD HARMONY I. (1) Review of diatonic harmony with keyboard exercises. Corequisites: 301, 305, 307 312. KEYBOARD HARMONY II. (1) Review of chromatic harmony with keyboard exercises. Corequisites: 302, 306, 308 401. ORCHESTRATION. (2) Range, technique, and transposition of orchestral instruments, exercises in orches­ tration. 402. FORM AND ANALYSIS. (2) Analysis of music: motive, phrase, period; binary, ternary, rondo, and sonata­ allegro forms.


303. HYMNOLOGY I. (2) The great Christian hymns and hymn tunes studied in historical context; types and their uses; analysis and interpretation of hymns; evaluation of standard hymnals. 304. HYMNOLOGY II. (2) Continuation of 203. 313. MUSIC IN CHRISTIAN WORSHIP. (3) Historical development of the use of music in the Jewish, Graeco-Russian, Eastern Orthodox, Catholic, Lutheran, and Protestant Episcopal liturgies; music in non-liturgi­ cal forms of worship. 403. CHURCH MUSIC ADMINISTRATION. (2) Developing the music program of the church: relation of the ministry of music to the congregation, music committee, and pastor; graded choir system; equipment; general organization; music of the church school. 404. CANTATA AND ORATORIO LITERATURE. (2) Survey and analysis of major Christian cantatas and oratorios; emphasis on con­ ducting and interpretation.


207. CHORAL CONDUCTING I. (1) Fundamental use and development of conducting skills, principles of interpreta­ tion, and rehearsal techniques. 19th Century choral literature. Corequisites: 201, 205, 211 208. CHORAL CONDUCTING II. (1) Continuation of 207. 18th Century choral literature. Corequisites: 202, 206, 212 307. CHORAL CONDUCTING III. (1) Continuation of 208. 16th and 17th century choral literature. Corequisites: 301, 305, 311 51

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