308. CHORAL CONDUCTING IV. (1) Continuation of 307. 20th century choral literature. Corequisites: 302,306,312 408. INSTRUMENTAL CONDUCTING. (2)
Reading and conducting from full score of orchestral and band compositions and orchestral accompaniments; study of band and orchestral works suitable for church and high school groups. MUSIC AND LITERATURE 205. MUSIC IDSTORY AND LITERATURE I. (2) The history of music of the late Classic and Romantic periods (19th century). Corequisites: 201, 207, 211 206. MUSIC HISTORY AND LITERATURE II. (2) The history of music of the late Baroque and the early Classic periods. (18th century.) Corequisites: 202, 208, 212 305. MUSIC HISTORY AND LITERATURE III. (2) The history of music of Pre-Christian, Middle Ages, Renaissance, and early Baroque periods. (Pre-Christian age through 17th century). Corequisites: 301, 307, 311 306. MUSIC HISTORY AND LITERATURE IV. (2) The history of music of the Modern and the Contemporary Periods (20th cen tury). Corequisites: 302, 308, 312
221. TEACHING CHORAL MUSIC. (2) Problems in choral organization and motivation; achieving balance, blend, intona tion; interpretation of literature; program building; psychology in rehearsal. 321. STRING INSTRUMENTS: CLASS INSTRUCTION AND METHODS. (3) Elementary instruction in violin, viola, cello, and bass. A study of tone produc tion, bowing, technique, and care of instruments. Planning a course of study for teaching strings in public schools. 322. WOODWIND INSTRUMENTS: CLASS INSTRUCTION AND METHODS. (3) Elementary instruction in clarinet, flute, oboe, bassoon, and saxaphone. A study of correct tone production, technique, and care of instruments. Planning a course of study for teaching woodwinds in public schools. 323. BRASS AND PERCUSSION INSTRUMENTS: CLASS INSTRUCTION AND METHODS. (3) Elementary instruction in trumpet, alto horn, French horn, trombone, baritone horn, and tuba. A study of correct tone production, technique, and care of instru ments. The rudiments of snare drum and instruction in other percussion instruments. Planning a course of study. 421. MUSIC EDUCATION IN THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. (3) Purposes and procedures. A study of methods used for presentation of varied musical experiences. Rote songs, rhythm, reading songs, creative activities, music appreciation, dramatizations, and the playing of simple instruments. Consideration of the child voice. Survey of materials. 52
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