111. SOFTBALL (Men). (1) Fundamental techniques of individual and position play, team strategy, and rules of softball. 112. SOFTBALL AND TRACK (Women).(1) Fundamental techniques of softball and track and field, including strategy and rules. 113. SWIMMING (Beginners and Advanced). (1) Fundamentals of swimming and water safety, including basic strokes, and diving techniques. 114. TENNIS. (1) Development of proficiency of tennis skills, rules, and court etiquette. 115. TRACK AND FIELD (Men). (1) Development of skill in the standard events of track and field, including distance running. Rules of each event stressed. 116. TUMBLING AND GYMNASTICS. (1) Techniques of elementary tumbling and formal group exercises. Instruction in the fundamentals of the basic gymnastic events. 117. VOLLEYBALL. (1) Fundamental techniques of individual and team play, with emphasis on strategy and rules. 118. VARSITY ATHLETICS. (1) Reserved for male candidates for intercollegiate athletic teams, who have already completed two semesters of activity courses. Registration during the regular regis tration period required. 119. WRESTLING. (1) Development of offensive and defensive skills in catch-as-catch-can wrestling, with emphasis on rules and officiating techniques. 200. PERSONAL HYGIENE. (1) Classroom instruction on problems of personal hygiene, including the functioning of body systems; and requirements of sleep, food, cleanliness, and exercise in the maintenance of normal health. 302. FIRST AID AND SAFETY. (2) Review of the physiological structure and function; fundamentals of first aid and safety, leading to American Red Cross standard and advanced first aid certification. 303. SPORTS OF THE WORLD. (2) A combination theory and laboratory class in the sports of the world that are not generally seen in the United States. Designed for prospective missionaries, so that they may better understand the place of sports in other cultures. 304. RECREATIONAL LEADERSHIP. (2) A study of the basic qualifications of the successful leader of recreational groups, aims of a successful program, and techniques of organizing and administering the program. Recommended for youth club leaders and directors, and playground and camp assistants. 311. PHYSICAL EDUCATION METHODS. (2) Elementary school physical education procedures including postural and rhythmic exercises, fundamentals of games, techniques covering the simplest primary skills through the more difficult seasonal sports, such as baseball, basketball, football , and volleyball. Instruction in the development of a program of physical education on the elementary school level. 57
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