
407. CURRENT ECONOMIC, POLITICAL, AND SOCIAL PROBLEMS. (2) A study of present trends in economic, political and social problems as they are related to democratic life in America. 408. HISTORY OF THE NEAR EAST. (2) An integrated study of the fundamental social, economic, and political changes in the Near East; emphasis on post-World War II development. 409. HISTORY OF THE FAR EAST. (2) A study of the social, cultural, economic, and political forces which have shaped the history of the significant nations of the Far East. Emphasis on the changes in the Far East since World War II and their response to the impact from Western nations. 410. THE HISTORY OF MODERN RUSSIA. (3) A social and political history of modern Russia, with an analysis of Tsardom, the Revolutionary movement, and the establishment and development of the Soviet regime. 41 1. HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN CIVIL WAR. (3) A study of the causes, events, and interpretations of the American Civil War; with special emphasis on military and political problems.


202. SOCIOLOGY. (3) An introduction to the study of social groups, their interactions and their effects on the individual. Consideration of family, culture, race relations, and population problems. 303. SOCIAL TRENDS AND PROBLEMS. (3) The study of concepts of social change, lag, t rends, and disorganization ; popul ation growth ; minori ty; rural-urban r elationships; communication problems; public health; social stratification and war.


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