King's business - 1956-03

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Rev. Douglas G. Stewart, F.R.G.S. EUROPEAN EVANGELISTIC CRUSADE, INC. Member Mission, I.F.M.A. 811 Westview St., Dept. K3, Philadelphia 19, Pa. Dear Sir: I enclose $........................................ as my love offering to God to help meet the physical and spiritual needs of the Greek believers. NAM E ........... .............;......................................................................... ADDRESS.....................................................................................................................;............... C IT Y ............................................................. STATE............................ now being offered by Biola Correspondence School A splendid study on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ as presented in the 4 Gospels. Each verse is studied, involving comparison with other Scriptures. The question method is used causing the student to draw out for himself these great teachings. The entire course may be completed in one year. There are no examinations and the fee is five dollars for the four Gospels. Each Gospel is two dollars. CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. 558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, Calif TIMELY TRACTS The Question Series for Both Unsaved and Believers Special Assortments Sample Packet twenty-five cents GALILEE TRACT SOCIETY — DEPT. KB 2958 N. Damen Ave., Chicago 18, III. THIS IS AN INDIAN MISSIONARY MOVEMENT YOU SHOULD SUPPORT CHRIST For TheINDIAN The BIBLE HOUSE of LOS ANGELES A Missionary Agency evangeliz- W ing with the printed page. Write for ■catalog of Bibles, Books, Greeting Cards, Spanish I Christian literature. Prayerful cooperation of the Lord’s ■ people make possible our free literature ministry to I 148 mission fields, especially Latin America. IRVING G. HOFF/ Executive Secretary r'921 Westmoreland Ave., Los Angeles 6, Calif. Courses in the GOSPELS Matthew, Mark, Luke and John

ous. Yet no one is offended by the pretentions of Jesus to deity. For 1900 years these claims have been preached and published near and far. Thoughtful, earn­ est people have responded to them and have seen in Jesus a man of absolute worth and good­ ness. In other words, He main­ tains His staggering claims. S hen look at this fact. Jesus has a most re­ markable modesty. His life is one of intense and consistent humility, deeper and truer than any humility we know. He maintains this humil­ ity and this modesty even while He is making these tremendous affirmations about Himself. For example, He says, “ Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden . . .” (Matt. 11:28). He assumes supernatural author­ ity, and follows it with words like these, “ . . . for I am meek and lowly . . .” (Matt. 11:29). Yet in Him there is no incon­ sistency or contradiction. Even the severest of critics of Jesus hesitate to accuse Him of being conceited or absurd. They may find many things about Jesus they don’t like or they don’t agree with, but you seldom hear anyone saying that Jesus is con­ ceited or absurd. Even the per­ son who rejects Jesus Christ as the Son of God does not laugh at the idea of Christ being the Son of God, for Christ’s life sup­ ports His words. Can you think of any other person in all history who could seriously maintain the claim to be incarnate deity? Could Plato or Aristotle or Caesar or any other figure of history? Could such a personality have been imagined? Could Dante or Mil- ton or Shakespeare have con­ ceived such a character and sup­ ported its consistency through even the shortest drama? Horace Bushnell in his book, The Character of Jesus, writes: Take the range if you will, of all the great philosophers and saints, and choose out one that is most competent. Or if, per­ chance, some one of you may

Yourprayerful supportof this, the most neg­ lectedofallmissionfields,isearnestlyinvited. All gifts are deductiblefor income tax. InquireaboutthisstartlingIndianfilmforyour church. “ PERSECUTION U.S.A.” Feature-lencth, Color

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As Christians we owe the Jewish people a tremendous debt. Through Jews God’s Holy Word was revealed. Our Saviour was born a Jew. Yet we have given them so little. Millions of Jewish people today do not even know that their Messiah, the Lord Jesus, died to save them. We can repay our debt by giving them the Gospel — now. Will you help us reach Jews with the Gospel message through the MESSAGE TO ISRAEL broadcasts from coast to coast and around the world, ------ by mail and per* JtL • sonal calls. 'or a Free m - copy of our' ‘'MESSAGE TO ISRAEL/

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