King's business - 1956-03


S T O P S M O K I N G Banish The Craving For Tobacco! The easily applied method explained in "THE SMOKING HABIT" by Wodehouse will enable you to quickly and positive­ ly rid yourself of the Tobacco Habit. Read this book through. You'll enjoy it, and if you don't give up smoking, you get your money back and no questions asked. Postpaid only $1.00. NEW LIFE, Dept. KB-36, Rowan, Iowa

g oe s modern

imagine that he is himself about upon a level with Jesus ( as we hear that some of you do), let him come forward in this trial and say “Follow me”— “ be wor­ thy of me”— “ I am the light of the world”—“ Ye are from be­ neath, I am from above” — “ Be­ hold a greater than Solomon is here.” Take on all these tran­ scendent assumptions and see how soon your glory will be sift­ ed out of you by the detective gaze, and darkened by the con­ tempt of mankind! Why not? Is not the challenge fair? Do you not tell us that you can say as divine things as He? Is it not in you too, of course, to do what is human? Are you not in the front rank of human develop­ ments? Do you not rejoice in the power to rectify many mis­ takes and errors in the words of Jesus? Give us then this one experiment, and see if it does not prove to you a truth that is of some consequence; viz., that you are a man, and that Jesus Christ is more! F inally, let me say that I believe in Jesus Christ be­ cause what He said about Himself is supported not only by His life, but by what He thought. The role of deity in flesh is consistent to the center -of conscious and subconscious re­ sponse. To act like God and sup­ port the role by a thousand acts and attitudes is one thing, but to think and feel like God is quite another and equally amaz­ ing thing. Consider these facts. Jesus of Nazareth disowns all repent­ ance. He never acknowledges sin. He never expresses regret. He evidences no awareness of mistakes, no feelings of com­ punction. He does not sense a need to ask anyone for forgive­ ness. Now, human piety begins with repentance. We cannot conceive a truly devout person who does not acknowledge un­ worthiness before the perfection and holiness of God. The hu­ mility of the Master is without inward humiliation and in this He stands alone. The very


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