King's business - 1956-03

Thing Callet I t was Augustine who said, "O God, Thou hast made us for Thyself, and our hearts are restless until they find their rest in Thee.” This is a basic truth that 9 out of 10 of us recognize when we take time to quietly think about life.


The average person believes in God. But there is this restlessness. It isn’t because the restless person is more evil or sinful than his fellow man. It is simply because his relationship with God isn’t what it should be. And when our relationship with God isn’t what it should be there is restlessness and an infinite loneliness at the very center of life. Because this loneliness is at the hidden center of life it is a difficult thing to bring out into the open and talk about. We know there is something wrong. We hear ideas from friends and ministers and organi­ zations on how to come to God for peace. But often these well-meant ideas seem to have little bearing on our problem. And in the end we simply push aside these formulas on how to come to God for peace, and proceed with our quest according to the best knowledge we have. But I submit for your consideration this basic truth. God being God we must come to Him on His terms. This vastly simplifies our quest. It does not leave us at the mercy of a multitude of theories or to our own searching. Aside from the brashness of man dictating his terms for coming to God, consider the impossibility of it. We cannot understand that which lies outside the periphery of our own knowl­ edge. And God is outside. I realize some people act as if they know all about God. I recall a quote from one of my philosophy professors at the Uni­ versity of California: "God created man in His own image and man has returned the compliment.” That’S a superbly accurate description of mankind. We have made God in our image. But the honest seeker soon realizes that a God in his own image is no God, and is no help. And we are driven back at last to coming to God on His terms. And we find His way to Himself is delight­ fully uncomplicated. Let’s look at it briefly. What sin is The Bible tells us that when God created man


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opportun ity

to consider the simple, basic claims

o f Christianity



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