
Legally known as The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Incorporated, this institution has taken four distinct forward steps in the field of Chris­ tian education. In 1936 the Institute applied for and received State authorization for the conferring of certain degrees. Three four-year courses were then organized, leading to the degrees of Bachelor of Theology, Bachelor of Christian Education, and Bachelor of Sacred Music. In 1945, in an effort to extend the missionary training program of the Bible Institute, the School of Missionary Medicine was brought into being. This postgraduate year is planned as supplementary training for missionary work and is open to graduates of any school who qualify in the spiritual, intellectual, and missionary requirements that are outlined. In the summer of 1949 another forward step was taken when, in response to repeatedly stated needs of mission boards and other Christian leaders, the school increased its Faculty and enlarged its curriculum to include a Bible College with courses leading to a Bachelor of Arts degree. This school is now known officially as Biola Bible College. The most recent expansion occurred in 1952 when, to keep Christian education in step with world missionary and evangelistic demands, the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Incorporated, inaugurated a standard three­ year Theological Seminary with courses leading to a Bachelor of Divinity degree. This school was named Talbot Seminary in honor of Dr. Louis T. Talbot, who held the office of President from 1938 to 1952 and who still serves the school in the capacity of Chancellor. From the small beginning of one course of study and a Faculty of three in 1908 to four distinct but related schools with a total teaching staff of 56 Faculty and instructors in 1954, the story is one of steady growth and expansion. The present organization provides for a President over the whole, with a Director over each of the four schools, one of which, the Biola Bible College, presents this catalog.


The building which houses the College is a three-unit structure of which the north and south units are thirteen stories in height. The south unit known as Lyman Stewart Hall, contains the women's dormitory, which occupies six of the thirteen floors and accommodates 400 women. The first floor is occupied by the offices and studios of the Department of Sacred Music; the second and third floors contain class­ rooms; the sixth, seventh, and eighth floors are occupied by faculty offices and classrooms; and the tenth floor is devoted to the School of Missionary Medicine and the school Infirmary and Dispensary. The north unit known as Thomas C. Horton Hall, contains further dormitory facilities, the Business and publications Departments, and School Cafeteria. The nine-story central unit contains the library, additional classrooms, and social parlors as well as the auditorium of the Church of the Open Door which is used for large student gatherings. 12

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