
seats 128 students, are the School of Missionary Medicine Library and the Talbot Seminary reading room. Extensive audio-visual materials are available, such as films, globes, maps, flannelgraph, object lessons, picture files and records, talking books, puppets, three dimensional teaching aids, etc. The staff includes the Librarian, Assistant Librarian, three desk clerks, two secretaries, and student assistants. AUDIO VISUAL AND FILM PRODUCTIONS DEPARTMENT The Audio Visual and Film Production Department exists for the purpose of editing and showing educational films, producing film for missionary and educa­ tional purposes, and to provide other recording and projective equipment needed for lecture or clinical work in all college departments. SUMMER SCHOOL Each year the College conducts a six weeks' Summer session in which members of the regular faculty serve as instructors. College credit is granted upon satis­ factory completion of courses. The regular academic entrance requirements apply to those who enroll during the Summer. For information concerning the Summer session, write to the Admissions Office.


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