
GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS The Bachelor of Arts Degree. This degree is offered with majors in several fields listed below. Specific requirements for the degree are outlined in the departmental sections of this catalogue. In addition, all candidates for degrees must satisfy the requirements described below. The Bachelor of Music Degree. This degree is offered with a major in Church Music. The requirements described below and the specific courses outlined in the departmental section must be completed for graduation. Additional information may he obtained by writing to the Department of Music for a special bulletin. Biola offers two distinct types of curricula: professional and liberal arts. There are three majors in the professional curricula: Bible, Christian Education, and Music. A minimum of 128 units and an equal number of grade points is required for graduation. There are five majors in the liberal arts curricula: Education, English, History, Philosophy, and Psychology. The Education major requires 158 units. A minimum of 150 units is required to complete the other majors: of these 120 must be liberal arts subjects. An over-all average of 1.7 is required for graduation with an average of 2.0 in the major field. These majors may be completed in four years by taking additional units and attending several summer sessions; or they may be completed by lengthening the course of study to five years. Included in all majors, except Bible, are 30 units of Bible and Doctrine accord­ ing to the requirement of the Accrediting Association of Bible Institutes and Bible Colleges. In the Bible major, 30 units of Bible and 10 units of Doctrine are required. The requirements in Bible and Doctrine common to all majors are as follows: Bible 101, 102, 201, 202, 401, 402. Doctrine 301, 302. The general educational requirements in all majors except Music are as follows : English: Grammar and composition 6 Literature 6 History: World 6 U.S. History and Constitution 4 Psychology 3 Science 8 Music 2 Physical Education 2 Additional requirements are listed under the departments offering majors. Each student is assigned some form of practical Christian service, for which he is given one unit of credit each semester. These Christian Service credits are required for graduation but are not computed in the student's academic load. In addition to receiving satisfactory scholastic rating in all required courses, a student must give satisfactory evidence of good Christian character and soundness of doctrine, and sign the unabridged form of the Statement of Doctrine. An essay, not exceeding 1500 words, on any Bible subject the student may select, is a graduation requirement and shall be submitted by each prospective senior not later than the eighth week of the fall semester preceding his graduation. 19

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