
ACADEMIC LOAD A regular student may register for twelve to sixteen hours of classroom work per semester. After the first semester a student with a grade point average of B may petition the Registrar to take eighteen units whereas one with an A average may petition to carry twenty. In no case will a student be permitted to carry more than twenty hours. In every case a student carries one additional unit in Christian service. A student on scholastic probabation may not carry more than fourteen hours for credit and may be limited to less depending upon his grade point average. SCHOOL HONORS Students completing their course with a grade point average of 2.25 are gradu­ ated Cum Laude. Students with a 2.5 average are graduated Magna Cum Laude. Each year elections to membership in the Biola Chapter of Delta Epsilon Chi Honor Society are made from the members of the graduating class who have a scholastic average of 2.5 or better throughout their course. The Delta Epsilon Chi Honor Society was established to give recognition to high scholastic attainment in Christian colleges and Bible Institutes.

PERMANENT RECORDS The College has all academic r ecords in fireproof quarters.

PHYSICAL EDUCATION Freshmen taking twelve or more units ar e requir ed to enroll in Physical Educa­ tion 101 and 102, unless excused by the Medical Department. Transfer students are required to take these courses unless they have satisfied this requirement in another college. EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES All groups or individuals who represent the College must manifest satisfactory standing as to application, cooperation, spiritual life, and scholastic attainment (the over-all grade point average, as well as the average for the preceding semester , must be C) , and must be approved by the faculty. VETERANS The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Incorporated, is authorized to train students under Public Laws 346, 16, 550, 894 and under the State of California Veterans' Educational Institute. Veterans who desire to attend school under one of these Bills should secure a Certificate of Eligibility from their local office of Veterans' Administration before Registration Day. Married veterans who desire subsistence for dependents should have substantial proof for such dependency, such as marriage certificate and birth certificates of their children. Veterans who have not received authorization by the time of registration must be prepared to assume responsibility for all fees covered by the authorization. Any fees paid by the student will be refunded when authorization is received. 21

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