NUMBERING OF COURSES Courses numbered one to ninety-nine are for students who have deficiencies and do not carry College credit. Courses numbered 100 to 299 are primarily for fresh men and sophomores. Courses numbered 300 to 499 are primarily for juniors and seniors. Sophomores who wish to enroll in courses numbered 300 to 399 must secure the permission of their faculty advisor and the Registrar. Juniors who wish to enroll in courses numbered 400 to 499 must secure the same permission. Courses with hyphenated numbers extend through the year and do not carry credit for either semester separately. Courses having numbers separated by a comma may be elected separately for credit. In general, odd numbered courses are given in the fall, and even numbered courses are offered in the spring. The units of credit are indicated by the number of parentheses after each course title. The College reserves the right to withdraw any courses for which there is insufficient registration.
BIBLE DEPARTMENT Professors DONALD G. DAVIS, J. VERNON McGee*; Assistant Professors Kenneth B. DANIELS, Harry STURZ (acting head); Instructors John GRABER, LEONARD Rhodes, HERBERT R:icaARDSON. Obiective. The objective of the English Bible Department is to train the student in the reverent and effective use of the Bible for personal life, soul winning, and public ministry. To this end three methods of Bible study are employed. The synthetic method of Bible study is designed to enable the student to obtain a broad view of the contents of Scripture, seeing each book as a whole and its relation to the other books. The analytical method first considers a book as a unit in the light of its authorship, purpose, and theme, and then outlines the contents to show the relationship of each part to the whole. The expository method instructs the student in setting forth in detail the fullness of the divine truth. The student who com pletes his studies in Biola will take courses representative of each of these methods of Bible study. Requirements for a Major in Bible. The student majoring in this Department must take six additional lower division units in Bible (104, 105, 107) and four units of Christian Education (101, 104). Six upper division units are required in Bible (301, 302, and one elective), six in Doctrine (303, 401, 402), and four in Missions (201, 202) . Other requirements are: Anthropology 402; History 302; 401; New Testament Greek 201, 202, 301, 302; Philosophy 102, 404, 305; Sociology 202. 28
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