302. DAILY VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL AND HANDCRAFT. (2) The plan, purpose, and organization of the D.V.B.S. program, planning around a central theme. Collection of practical material and instruction in correlated handwork. 303. CHRISTIAN EDUCATION OF CHILDREN. (3) Practical application and evaluation of the organization and administration, curricula, program planning, methods and techniques employed by the church and other agencies with the objective of reaching children for Christ.
304. CHRISTIAN EDUCATION OF YOUTH. (3) A correlate of Christian Education 303, dealing with adolescents.
402. CLUB AND RECREATIONAL LEADERSHIP. (3) Preparation of a series of young people's expressional meetings with practical application. One research project required. A practical study of Christian camps, conferences, counseling, church recreational programs, various types of weekly clubs. Plan and construction of an original project; one field trip. 403-404. PRACTICUM AND SEMINAR. (3-3) The assignment of observation and teaching in a Christian Day School classroom or Christian leadership in other life situations with discussion of practical problems in the field of Christian education. 406. ASSISTANT IN CHRISTIAN EDUCATION. (2) A specialized study of the duties of the pastor's assistant responsible for the Christian education program in the local church. Prerequisite: Completion of three years of Christian Education major. 407-408. WORKSHOP IN CHRISTIAN EDUCATION. (3-3) Classroom preparation with practical training under approved supervision in Christian education agencies such as Children's Seaside Mission, youth work, Daily Vacation Bible School, camps and conferences. (Credit equivalent to 403-404.) 409. CHURCH SECRETARY AND VISITOR. (2) Consideration of various responsibilities of the church secretary with attention to the development of skills in handling office routines; background laid for the church visitation program. DOCTRINE DEPARTMENT Professor GERALD B. STANTON (head); Assistant Professor WILLIAM EBELING Objective. The objective of this department is to present to the student that system of Doctrine which is contained in the Scriptures, and to orient it with con temporary theological thought. 301. DOCTRINE I. (2) The Bible, its inspiration, canonicity, and authority; the existence, nature, and attributes of God. 302. DOCTRINE II. (2) The Person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ and of the Holy Spirit. 32
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