
303. SPIRITUAL LIFE. (2) The Christian life traced from its beginning at conversion through the early stages of growth and development to the maturity of a life in adjustment to the ministries of the Holy Spirit, with special attention to the place of the Word of God and of prayer in the Christian Life. 401. DOCTRINE III. (2) The nature and destiny of angels, of Satan, and of demons. The creation, nature, and fall of man including the doctrine of sin. 402. DOCTRINE IV. (2) The Biblical plan of salvation and the teaching concerning future events. MISSIONS DEPARTMENT Professors ORAN SMITH (head), Ione LOWMAN; Instructors MARILYN Cole, AMBROSE McMAHON, RoBERT Owen. Obiective. The objectives of this Department are to meet the need for better trained missionaries, and to broaden the cultural understanding of the student toward mores and folk ways of other peoples. These objectives are met by the offering of specially designed courses which emphasize the practical problems of missionary work and by ample opportunity for personal consultation with mission­ ary executives. Requirements for a Minor in Missions. The requirements for a minor include Missions 201, 202, 301, 302, 403-404. It is recommended at students take Missions 305, 306. Additional units may be earned during the summer through participation in actual missionary work and classroom studies in Cuba under the auspices of Practical Missionary Training, directed by Mr. Smith. 201. MISSIONS I . (2) An overview of the world of missions. A discussion of the Christian's responsi­ bility in giving the Gospel to the whole world as viewed by Biblical, philosophical, and practical standpoints. 202. MISSIONS II. (2) The history of missions from Apostolic times to the present with special atten­ tion given to the study of mission fields, mission societies, and significant missionary biographies. 301. MISSIONARY ORIENTATION. (3) A study of the actual methods and problems of missionary work, with emphasis on the indigenous church and the missionary's relationship to his fellow-workers, his mission board, governments, and his supporters at home . 302. MISSIONARY SEMINAR. (3) A practical and correlative course, showing the relationship of all missionary subjects. Special investigation of present missionary opportunities, using the latest films and missionaries from various parts of the world. 303. JEWISH MISSIONS. (2) The history of the Jews, their festivals and customs, their fundamental beliefs, and effective methods of evangelization. 33

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