
305-306. OBSERVATION AND PARTICIPATION. (1-1) Directed observation of public school classroom situations from kindergarten through eighth grade. Approved county field trips to juvenile hall, varied indus­ tries, museums, harbor, etc. In second semester, a series of four participative teaching experiences on three grade levels. One morning per week required each semester. 307. TEACHING OR READING. (2) Methods and instruction materials for the development of reading skills in lower and upper grade levels with special emphasis upon readiness, the beginning tech­ niques, experience charts, and other functional devices. Grouping and introduction to books, development of word and sight recognition techniques; context and word form clues, structural and phonetic analysis, and the use of the dictionary. Experi­ ence in the preparation and presentation of directed reading activities at the various grade levels. 308. REMEDIAL READING. (2) An analysis of the various types of reading deficiencies as well as the physical, environmental, emotional, and neurological causes of retardation. Consideration of diagnostic procedures and principles of remediation. Special techniques and devices for improving word recognition, comprehension, rate, and oral reading, as well as methods of teaching the specially handicapped. 309. TEACHING OF ARITHMETIC. (2) An examination of the aims, principles, and methods of instruction. Procedures developed for the teaching of basic number concepts and an understanding of the fundamental processes with whole numbers, fractions, and decimal fractions. The development of problem solving skill in a functional setting and the provision for individual differences. Materials of instruction examined and constructed. Oppor­ tunity for the preparation and presentation of lessons through sociodrama. 310. TESTS AND MEASUREMENTS. (3) A practical knowledge of basic background in elementary statistics followed by a survey of more commonly used group intelligence and aptitude tests designed for the elementary school. Principles of elementary test construction. 311. TEACHING OF SCIENCE. (2) A course designed to help the prospective teacher in developing a science pro­ gram on the elementary school level. Practical experiments conducted in class. 312. TEACHING SOCIAL STUDIES. (2) The development of curriculum and selection of materials for the teaching of social studies in the elementary schools. 401. TEACHING OF LANGUAGE. (3) Trends and practices in teaching oral and written language, spelling, and hand­ writing. The preparation of activity units on oral or written communication, dra­ matization, choral speaking, creative activities, giving information, study and research. Techniques for developing the attitudes, abilities, and skills necessary for proficiency in each language activity. Practice on paper and blackboard use of manuscript and cursive writing. Special emphasis on approved methods of teaching handwriting and spelling. 403. PRACTICE TEACHING. (8) A laboratory experience in a public school classroom situation under the direc­ torship of a qualified supervising teacher. Placement obtained through the coopera- 37

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