MUSIC DEPARTMENT Professors EARLE F. HuLIN (head), RAYNER BROWN; Associate Professor GoRDON HooKER; Assistant Professors JosEPH BARCLAY, JANICE L. WIGNALL; Instructors ELMA Doss, WARREN DRIVER, RUTH FLATLEY, PAUL WOHLGEMUTH; Student Instructor ANA GAITAN. Obiective. The objective of the School of Sacred Music is two-fold: ( 1) to provide competent instruction in the field of music, and (2) to provide the special ized training necessary for the field of Church Music. Requirements for a Bachelor of Music degree.* Requirements for a major in Church Music include Music 101, 102, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 306, 401, 402, 403, 404, plus twenty-six hours of applied music; Bible 107, 301, 302; Doctrine 401, 402; English 101, 102; History 203, 204; Physical Education 101, 102; and eight elective units in the Department of Psychology. Entrance Requirements. In addition to the regular College requirements, stu dents entering the Department of Music must also pass the following: (1) a standard musical aptitude test, (2) a placement examination in music theory, and (3) an audition to determine performance level. Those unable to meet the de partment requirements may in certain cases be admitted on probation. Deficiencies must be removed before admission to the upper division. Activities. The School of Music provides opportunities for experience in two types of ensemble: vocal, including the Coronation Choir, Freshman Choir, and the Radio Choir; and instrumental, including band and orchestra. Smaller vocal and instrumental groups also minister to various churches in the Los Angeles area. The Los Angeles Chapter of the American Guild of Organists sponsors a Guild Student Group. As part of the training program, informal recitals are given monthly for all those receiving individual instruction in applied music. Periodically the more advanced students are presented in public recital. Graduation recitals are presented by qualifying Seniors. Attendance at musical events is required of Church Music majors. The Music Faculty Recital presented at the beginning of the fall semester in cludes standard classics and original compositions. The Annual Christmas program is an informal presentation of the Christmas story in word and song. The Annual Spring Festival of Sacred Music combining various ensembles and personnel of the department is one of the outstanding events of the year. Opportunities. The increasing stature of Los Angeles as a music center provides exceptional opportunities for hearing leading artists. One of the nation's outstanding symphony orchestras, the Philharmonic of Los Angeles, presents two series of con certs each season. In the field of chamber music the Music Guild provides an additional series. Students are offered further opportunity to hear the best in sacred music provided by various churches of the Los Angeles area. *For additional information write to the Department of Sacred Music for special bulletin. 45
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