
ADDITIONAL MUSIC COURSES (Not allowed for credit in the Church Music Major)

161-162. INTRODUCTION TO MUSIC. (2 hours weekly, 1 unit) A practical course designed to give the non-music student a background for understanding the problems of music in a church, including basic fundamentals of music theory, elementary sight singing, elementary conducting, music apprecia­ tion, hymnology, and the singing of standard choral literature. Required of all freshmen except Church Music majors. 171. SONG LEADING. (1) A simple course in conducting especially designed to prepare the student to direct congregational singing through actual practice and analysis of each student's performance. Prerequisite: Music 161-162. 181-182. HYMN PLAYING. (1-1) Designed to prepare the non-music major in the field of accompaniment: in the first semester the problems of congregational accompaniment; in the second semester the study of solo and small group accompaniment. Two sections offered: one for pianists, one for organists. Prerequisite: Music 191-192 or equivalent.

241. CLASS PIANO. (1) Music 191 fulfills the requirements for this course.

341-342. ELEMENTARY SCHOOL MUSIC METHODS. (2-2) A course designed for the elementary public school teacher covering all grade levels of the state music curriculum. Instruction in auto harp and in the methods enabling him to teach such classes as singing and rhythm band. Student demon­ strations required.

APPLIED MUSIC The Department has adopted the applied music requirements published by the National Association of Schools of Music. These standards apply only to the principal instrument of those enrolled as Church Music majors. Instruction in piano, organ, voice, and orchestral instruments is offered on three levels. Collegiate (Individual instruction, indicated by the subject numbers 151, 152; 251, 252; etc.) These courses have specific requirements both for entrance and for each semester's work. *Preparatory (Individual instruction)-For the student who is not ready for collegiate level study. *Beginners Music 191 (class instruction, six to ten students, taught each semester)-For the student with little or no previous training who desires to study applied music. Music 192-Continuation of Music 191. Two semesters of class instruction are required before the student is eligible for private lessons. 48

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