PHILOSOPHY DEPARTMENT Professor, TIMOTHY FETLER (head); Assistant Professor DoNALD R. BURRILL Obiective. The objective of this Department is to acquaint the student with the principal problems and issues of philosophy, historical and contemporary. The effort is made to give an insight into the great philosophies of the past and present. Requirements for a Major in Philosophy. Eight units in lower division Philoso phy courses (102, 201, 202) are required. Twenty-six upper division units are required including Philosophy 301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 400a, 400b, 401, 402, 403, 404, 405, 406, 407. In addition the student is required to take the following courses: Bible 104, 105, 301, 302; German 201, 202, 301, 302. It is recommended that the Philosophy major elect the following courses: Psychology 206; Speech 201, 202; Sociology 202. 102. INTRODUCTION TO PHILOSOPHY. (2) An introduction to the problems, methods, concepts, and divisions of philosophy, designed to acquaint the student with the philosophic outlook and basic philosophic thought. 201, 202. HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY. (3-3) A study of the great philosophers and the great systems of philosophy from Thales to Hegel. 301. SEMANTICS. (2) Philosophy of language and meaning, with special reference to its implications for logic, theory of knowledge, and theory of values. 302. LOGIC. (2) Presentation of the nature of logic with various types of logical reasoning: inductive, deductive, syllogistic. Elementary introduction to the scientific method. 303. EPISTEMOLOGY. (2) An investigation into the nature, validity, and scope of human thought and knowledge. A study of basic theory and outstanding schools of epistemology. 304. PHILOSOPHY OF RELIGIOUS EXPERIENCE. (2) A study of the basic theories of religious experience and their correlation with Biblical teaching. 305. PHILOSOPHY OF RELIGION. (2) The study of the concepts of religion from the standpoint of philosophy. An investigation of the leading philosophers, philosophies, and concepts of the philoso phy of religion.
400a, 400b. DIRECTED RESEARCH. (2-4, 2-4) Guided reading and research in philosophers or philosophical topics. 50
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