
401. ESTHETICS. (2) A study of the history of artistic expression and cultural periods in reference to the philosophy of aesthetics. 402. CHRISTIAN MYSTICISM. (2) A study of the nature of Christian mysticism. 403. POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY. (2) An investigation of basic political theory as held by the outstanding thinkers in western history. A study of the relationship of individual to state, as well as contemporary theories of political philosophy. 404. ETHICS. (3) A study of basic theory in ethics and axiology with a survey of principal ethical theories and thinkers. Correlation with Biblical teaching on ethical matters. 405. PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE. (2) An analysis of the nature of scientific theory, scientific knowledge, and scientific experimentation. Consideration of the limits of science as well as the relation of science to epistemology and metaphysics. 406. PROBLEMS IN PHILOSOPHY. (2) Selected problems in philosophy. Required for all philosophy majors in their eighth semester. 407. METAPHYSICS. (2) A study of the basic nature of metaphysical thought. Attention is paid to meta­ physical categories, metaphysical theories, and great metaphysical thinkers. PSYCHOLOGY DEPARTMENT Professor WALLACE EMERSON (head); Associate Professors DoNALD BURRILL, MAR­ GARET JACOBSEN. Objective. All courses in psychology taught at Biola Bible College have for their ultimate purpose the better understanding of human nature and, through this understanding, greater adequacy in dealing with its problems. There is a definite attempt to afford points of contact with biology, philosophy, theology, history, and sociology. In other words, courses in the main are taught with constant reference to values broader than the strict discipline of psychology would require. Students majoring in psychology will find themselves with an adequate back­ ground for work in the field of counseling. It is assumed that there will be subsequent graduate work for those who expect to enter counseling as a profession. The student will note that the course is arranged in order that he may be graduated with one-hundred-twenty (120) academic units exclusive of Bible. Requirements for a Major in Psychology. Requirements for a major, in addition to Psychology 206, include twenty-four (24) hours in upper division courses in Psychology including 301, 302, 305, 306, 308, 309, 401, 402, 405, 408, 409, 420 plus the following courses: Bible 104, 107, 301, 302; German 201, 202, 301, 302; and Science 101-102, 301, 302, 402. It is recommende.d that the student elect the following background courses: Anthropology 402; Philosophy 102, 302, 303, 407; Sociology 202; and Speech 201, 202. 51

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