

MELANIE PATZKOWSKI Spanish B.A. , Biola College.

Diploma, Sherwood Music School; B. M., Chicago Conservatory College; M.A., University of California, Santa Barbara.



B. Th. , Los Angeles Theological Seminary; M.A. , University of California at Los Angeles; B.A., Biola College; Ph.D. , Claremont Graduate School.

Business Administration B.S. , Menlo College; M.B.A. , University of Santa Clara.

MARILYN SCHULTZ Nursing R.N. , Miami Valley Hospital School of Nursing; B.S. , Biola College.

ROSANNA LARSON Nursing B.S. , San Jose State University; M.H.S. , University of California, Davis. DONNA LEONARD Christian Education B.A. , B.S., Fort Wayne Bible College; M.R.E. , Talbot Theological Seminary. SANDRA McCREERY English B.A., M.A., University of Southern California; Candidate, Ph.D., University of Washington. WILLIAM R. McKINLEY Education B.A. , Bryan College; M.A. , California State University, Long Beach. ARLIN MIGLIAZZO History B.A. , Biola College; M.A. , Northern Arizona University. MEL6DIE NARRAMORE Communication B.A. , Biola College; M.A., California State University at Los Angeles. DOTTIE NIX Music B.A. , California State University, Long Beach.

PAUL SHOWALTER Art Professional Graphic Artist.

TIMOTHY A. SMITH Music B.A., Biola College.

CARL H. SWENSON Journalism B.A. , California State University, San Jose. HENRY TOLOPILO Spanish B.A. , Biola College./ PHILIP TRAIN Spanish B.A. , Biola College . JAMES M. WALDRON Communications B.A. , University of California, Davis. ELEANOR WHIPPLE Sociology B.A. , M.S.W. , University of Washington.

MICHAEL WILKINS Biblical Studies and Theology B.A. , Biola College ; M.Div. , Talbot Theological Seminary.

CAROLE G. PAGE English B.S., Bob Jones University.


Business Administration B.S. , California State University, Long Beach.

DAVID J. PARTIE French B.A. , University of Redlands; M.A. , University of California at Los Angeles.


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