
370 TEACHING READING (3) Methods and materials for teaching reading. Designed to insure that teachers of all subjects can help their pupils improve skill in word attack, comprehension , study techniques and speed. Consideration of the needs of pupils with varied cultural and language backgrounds; observation and participation in schools. Prerequisite: consent. 380 INTRODUCTION TO EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION (2) History, philosophy, curriculum, and classroom techniques of early ch ildhood programs. (1) Field work in secondary schools for single subject credential candidates. Prerequisite: consent. 390 OBSERVATION AND PARTICIPATION

420 DIRECTED STUDY (1-3) Consideration of topics in school curriculum according to needs of individual students. Prerequisite: consent. 440, 450 STUDENT TEACHING (6, 6) Full time laboratory experiences in school classrooms under the direction of qualified supervising teachers and college supervisors. Prerequisite: consent. (Students doing student teaching are limited to a maximum of 15 units that semester. If the student is workin3, a reduction in load may be necessary. See p. 26 for fee. 460 PHILOSOPHY OF THE CHRISTIAN SCHOOL (2) Aims of Christian schools and means of achieving them; exploration of attitudes and convictions which Christian schools seek to develop in their students.

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