409 CAMP ADMINISTRATION (2) Application of administrative principles and techniques to the supervisory level of camping leadership. Prerequisite: 210; 400 or Christian Education 301. 410 CAMP COUNSELING (2) The objectives of camping; counselor personality and qualifications; the application of counseling techniques to the camping situation ; preparation in various camping activities, crafts, and special program areas particularly related to counselor-centered camping. 411 PHILOSOPHICAL, EDUCATIONAL, AND PSYCHOLOGICAL FOUNDATIONS (3) Analysis of foundations of camping essential to the integration of camp administration and educational activities. Evaluation of functions and programs in light of integrating factors. Prerequisite: 409 and consent. 412 FIELD WORK (3) Administrative experience demonstrating the student's ability in integrating principles and skills from all areas of study. Field experience under faculty and camp staff supervision and evaluation. Prerequisite: 411 and consent. 417 RECREATION ADMINISTRATION (2) Application of administrative principles and techniques to the supervisory level in recreation. Prerequisite 200, 400 or Christian Education 301. 418 RECREATIONAL LEADERSHIP AND PROGRAMMING (2) Basic qualifications of the successful leader of recreational groups; aims of a successful program; techniques of organizing and supervising the program. Recommended for youth club leaders and directors, and playground and camp assistants. 480 RESEARCH IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION, RECREATION, AND CAMPING (1 -3) Independent study, readings , and /or research in the fields. Senior standing with consent and consultation. Maximum of 6 units.
322 ANALYSIS OF TEAM SPORTS (Women) (3) A theory and laboratory course designed to acquaint students with progression, practice techniques, selection and care of equipment, and the teaching of field sports, volleyball, basketball, and softball. Prerequisite: 110, 150. Alternate years, offered 1978-79. 324 ANALYSIS OF RHYTHMICAL ACTIVITIES (Women) (2) Instructional materials and methods suitable for all areas of rhythmical activities. Prerequisite: 110, 201. Alternate years, offered 1979-80. 330 PSYCHOLOGY OF COACHING (2) Analysis of factors in coaching in areas of motivation, attitude formation and behavior, leadership, and techniques of coaching. 400 ADMINISTRATION AND PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION (3) Implementing the activity program through proper organization; use of tests and measurements; purchase and care of equipment; public relations at all levels; auxiliary activity programs offered by organizations outside the school; the place of the intramural and inter-school program; development of principles which serve as a basis of the profession. Lecture /demonstrations team taught with cooperating departments. Alternate years, offered 1978-79. 404 CARE AND PREVENTION OF ATHLETIC INJURIES (3) Theory and practice of principles and techniques pertaining to athletic conditioning; care of athletic injuries. Alternate years, offered 1979-80. 405 ADAPTED PHYSICAL EDUCATION (3) Analysis of the principles underlying the physical education program for the handicapped; survey of specific disabilities and the implication of each for physical education. Alternate years, offered 1978-79. 406 TESTS AND MEASUREMENTS IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION (3) Lecture, laboratory and field experience in the development, evaluation, and application of tests in health and physical education ; use and interpretation of elementary statistics. Alternate years, offered 1979-80.
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