
Please answer the following questions as concisely as possible. If additional space is needed, continue on another sheet the same size as this.

Do you have any physical defects? Yes__ No___Have you had professional counseling for emotional or mental problems in the last five years? Yes__ No___Have you been judged guilty of criminal or civil offenses? Yes__ No___ If your answer is yes to any of these questions, please attach an explanation.

How do you plan to meet college expenses?_____________________________

What are your reasons for wishing to enter Biola College? _______________________

Do you consider yourself to be a born-again Christian? Yes___ No___

When did you personally accept Christ as your Savior? _____ ____________________

Explain in your own words the Scriptural basis for your salvation and hope of eternal life (give references if you wish).

Why do all men need Christ today? -------------------------------


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