Objectives: The objectives of the Art department are (1) to promote pro ficiency in a specialized area for a pro fessional art career, (2) to develop adequate intellectual foundations and technical skills to pursue advanced study in Art. Department Major: 50 units of Art of which 28 are specified requirements (see department for listing). The re maining 22 units are art electives in an area of specialization under the direction of the department. Department Major with Education Emphasis: 50 units of Art. (Please consult with Education Department and major advisor.)
PROFESSOR: Brown ASSOCIATE PROFESSORS: J. Hill, Lock, Stepan, Unfreid, Wong ASSISTANT PROFESSORS: Logan , Lutke, Schwarz, Wall, Wiebe, Zamora INSTRUCTORS: Rhodes, Weathers
Department Minor: 18 units, of which 12 must be upper division. The stu dent must complete lower division courses 101, 103, 105, 201 , and the remaining units from the following: Drawing, Painting, Design, Art His tory. One of several student gospel teams communicating Christ to today's generation.
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