Objectives: The aims of the Biologi cal Science curriculum are (1) ac quainting all students with the rea soning processes of the scientific meth od as applied in biology, with the ex isting principles of biology as they apply to our age of technology, and with the dynamic state of advance in knowledge in biology; (2) supporting the curriculum of majors in other de partments (Nursing, Psychology, Physical Education, Education) ; (3) supplying a strong foundational core curriculum for the major in general Biological Science, and providing depth within a balanced selection of the major areas within biology. BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE MAJOR REQUIREMENTS FOR THE BACHELOR OF SCIENCE DEGREE The core curriculum in biology re quires 32 units, including 101, 102 (252), 312, 401, 470, 471 and a mini mum of four units from each of three groupings to total 14 elective units. Thirty-two units of supporting sci ences are required, twenty in Chem istry (must include 301) and twelve in Mathematics and Physical Science (must include Mathematics 105 and Physics). Biology course groupings are: A) 301, 305, 331; B) 221, 222, 252, (452), 352, 403, Psychology 401; C) 302, 405, 408, 422.
PROFESSORS: Kurtz (chairman)' Soubirou
ASSOCIATE PROFESSORS : R. Crawford, Lu, Zuckerman
ASSISTANT PROFESSORS: Eddington, Fleeger, Fuller, Kilander, Rynd, Thurber
INSTRUCTORS : Dunlap, Kuld, Payne
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