

_ INEZ McGAHEY, M.A. __ _ _ ____________ Associate Professor of English, 1948 Diploma , The Bible Institute of Los Angeles; B.A., Wheaton College; M.A., Los Angeles State College; Graduate study, University of Cali­ fornia at Los Angeles MARVIN McKISSICK, M.M. _ __ Associate Professo r of Music, 1957 B.A. , Bob Jones Universi ty; M.M., University of Southern California; Graduate study, University of Southern California. RICHARD McNEELY. Th_D. Associate Professor of Bible, 1960 B.A., Westmont College; Th.M., Th.D., Dallas Theological Seminary EDWARD NORMAN_ M.A. Athletic Director, Assistant Professor of Physical Education, 1962 B.S., Springfield College; M.A ., Ball State Teachers College ELIZABETH NORMAN. M.A. Asst. Professor of Physical Education, 1962 B.S. , Taylor University; M.A.. Ball State Teachers College. STELLA POHNG, M.A.L.S. ________ _ __ _ _______ ____ Catalog Librarian, 1962 B.A. , National Taiwan Un ivers ity; M.A., George Peabody College. CLARENCE ROSE, M.A. _ _______________ Freshman Counselor, 1962 B.A., Biola College; M.A., San Francisco State College. MARGARET SCHUMACHER. M.M. Assistant Professor of Music, 1960 B.M. , Wheaton College; M.M., American Conservatory of Music. ANTONIO SERRANO. M.A. Associate Professor of Language, 1953 B.A. , Unive rsity of Madrid; B.D., Un ited Evangelical Seminary in Madrid; Th.M. , Princeton Theological Seminary; M.A., University of Barcelona. WILLIAM SHANEBECK. M.A. __ __ Assistant Professor of English, 1962 B.A. , Asbury College; M.A,_ University of Michigan. WILLIAM SIEMENS, M.A. _ _ _______________________ Dean of Students, 1959 Th.B. , The Bible Institute of Los Angeles; B.A., Wheaton College ; M.A., Pepperdine College; Candidate, Ph .D. , Claremont University College. LEONIE V. SOUBIROU. M.A. ____ _ _ _ ___ Professor of Nursing, 1964 Diploma, The Bible Institute of Los Angeles; R.N .. Emanuel Hospital ; B.A. , Albany College; P.H.N., Universit y of Oregon Medical School; M.A., New York Universit y : Graduate study. Biblical Seminary of New York; Graduate study. Un iversit y of California, Los Angeles KATHLEEN SPENCER, M.A. _____ Assistant Professor of Psychology, 1961 B.R.E., London Bible Institute and Theological Seminary; M.A., Uni­ versity of Michigan MILDRED SPINDLER, B.A. _______ Instructo r in Physical Education, 1963 B.A., Wheaton College HARRY STURZ, Th.M. _ _ _______ . Assistant Professor of Greek, 1953 B.A. , Westmont College; B.D .. Th.M.. Grace Theological Seminary; Graduate study. Grace Theological Seminary G. WILLIS TOMS, B.D. __ __ __ Director of Admissions and R egis trar, 1959 B.A., Bob Jones University; B.D. , Talbot Theological Seminary


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