

MARGARET SCHAPER, M.M. ____ -· .......... ---------------------·-·-·········-·· Music B.A., M.A. , Bob Jones Universi ty; M.M. , Universi ty of Southern Cali­ fornia JACK SCHWARZ, M.M. ........ -·-----------·-·····- ____ ___ Music B.M. , Biola College; M.M., University of South ern California DAVID SHARGEL, B.A. __ ____________ -···--------------------- _ Physical Education B.A. , Biola College JENNIE WONG, L.T.S .C. _ _ ___________________ _______ -··· ___ Music L.R.S.M., Roya l Schoo ls of IVIusic; F.T.C.L. , L.T.C.L. , Trinity Co llege of Music; L.T.S.C. , Tonic Sol-Fa Co ll ege of Music FACULTY COMMITTEES (Pres ident and Dean are ex officio members of all committees. Chairman is named fi rst.) ACADEMIC POLICIES: Christian , Bass, Chase, Emerson, Henry, McCullough, Wiens ADMISSIONS: Toms. Hart. Rose. Siemens ATHLETICS: Ebel ing. Dan iels . Hopkins , No rman, E. CAMPUS COMMITTEE ON TEACHER EDUCATION: McCu ll ough, Bynum, Chase, Davidheiser , Henr y. Heppner. Jones, McGa hcy, Norman , B. , Wetzler CHAPEL: McNeely, McKissick, Wi ens CURRICULUM AND CATALOG : Toms. Bass. Bynum, Christian , Co le, Davidheiser. Eh lert. Hammond. Iwata. McKissick EXECUTIVE: President , Vice-President of Public Relations , Deans of Schools, Controll er, Dean of Students LIBRARY: Ehlert, Gooden , Hammond, Hopkins, Iwata, Kurtan eck, Se rran o, Shanebeck. St ur z, Un fri ed SPIRITUAL LIFE: Daniels. Bicker, Gilman . Hart , Kindell , Sch umacher STUDENT PERSON 1 EL AND GUIDANCE: Siemens, Hart, McNeely, Norman, E .. Spencer, Toms


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