

CHURCH POLITY Objective. The obj ecti ve of the fo ll owing courses is to p rovide each student with a bas ic unde rstanding of th e hi stor y and polity of his denomi­ nation . 401. BAPTIST DISTINCTIVES, POLITY, AND HISTORY. (2) Careful considerati on of th e di stinctives. general introducti on to the polity, and stud y of the outstanding event s and trends in Bap ti st history. 4,03. DISTINCTIVES, POLITY, AND HISTORY OF THE INDEPENDENT CHURCHES OF AMERI CA . (2J Description pa rall el to 401. 405. BRETHREN DISTINCTIVES. POLITY. AND HI STORY. (21 Descripti on pa ra ll el to 401. 407. QUAKER DI STINC'fIVES. POLITY. AND HI STORY. (2) Description parallel to 401. 409. DISTINCTIVES. POLITY. AND HI S'fOR Y OF THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. (2) . Descripti on parallel to 401. ,.J.11. DISTINCTIVES, POLlTY . AND HISTORY OF THE CONGREGA­ TIONAL CHURCHES. l2 ) Description parallel to 401. 413. DISTINCTIVES, POLITY, AND HISTORY OF THE METHODfST CHURCH. (2 ) Description parallel to 401. DOCTRINE Objectives: The primary obj ecti ves of the doctrine courses are as foll ows: to give the student a thor ough grasp of a ll the maj or doc t rines of the Word of God ; to correlate the whole int o one defensible sys tem whi ch wi ll fo rm a solid foundation fo r the teaching and preachi ng of the Bible; to promote warm Christian experi ence and spir itual ma tu rit y. The appro ach to all a reas of doctrinal study is Biblicai ra ther than phil osophica l. T he method of study is sensibly dispensati onal and the viewpoint is clea rl y premillenni al. Specia l attention is given to the problems of liberalism and modern cult s in their doctrinal aspects . The induct ive method of study is fo ll owed and reference is made to the Biblical languages. Outs ide read ing in stand ard theo logical works is required . 301. DOCTRINE OF GOD AND THE BIBLE. (2 ) The Bible, revelation and inspirati on, canonici ty and authori ty; the illuminating work of the Holy Spiri t. The doctr ine of God, hi s existence, unity, trin itari an distin ctions , attri bu tes. dec rees, and works. 302. DOCTRINE OF CHRIST AND THE HOLY SPIRIT. (2) The person and wo rk of the Lord J esus Chr ist and of the Holy Spirit, with special attenti on given to doc; rin al depa rtures in these areas. 37

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