

games in camp and church programs. The following courses are required for the Physical Education Minor : 200. 210, 302, 305. 308, 311, and 400 ; and any two of (2ll. 212. 213. and 2141. Women will take P.E. 215, and 216 instead of 211, 212, 213, and 214. 101. TRAINING AND CONDlTIONING lmen ) . (1 ) Instruction in pos'.ure. balance and ph ys ical conditioning, with empha­ sis on development of musc ular str ength and endurance. Required of all new men failing to reach a prescribed minimum of physical fitness during the fall testing program. 102. BALANCE AND POSTURE (women I . \ 11 Instruction in basic movement and balance. with emphasis in improving posture and ph ys ica l fitn ess. Required of a ll new women failing to meet prescribed standards of a fall screen ing test. 103. ARCHERY AND BADMINTON. 1 l 1 Development of skill in archer\' and badminton: with practice in both fi eld and target shooting for archer y and the etiquette. rules, background, and tec hniques in plaving badminton. 104. GOLF. (1 ) Fundamental techniqu es of go lf. including rul es, etiquette. background. and knowledge of pla) ing Fee S5 .00. 105. BASKETBALL. ( 1) Development and knowledge of skills. team pla y. strategy and rules. Basic officiating principles included. 106. BODY BUILDING (men). (1 ) Principles and practice of weight lifting in the improvement of physical development. A study of the muscles used in lifting. 107. FIELD HOCKEY. ( 1) Fundamental techniques of individual and position pla y, team strategy, and rules of fi eld hockey. 108. FLAG FOOTBALL. ( 1 ) Fundamental techniques of individual and position pla y, team strategy , and rules of flag football. J 09. LIFESAYING AND WATER SAFETY. ( 1 ) Development of proficiency in lifesaving and artificial respiration tech­ niques , and standards of organizing safe recreatio:::al and camp water programs. American Nationa l Red Cross Certification upon successful completion. Fee $4.00. 110. SOCCER. (1) Fundamental techniques of individual and position play, team strategy, and rules of soccer. 111. SOFTBALL (Men ). (1) Fundamental techniques of individual and position play, team strategy, and rules of softball. 112. SOFTBALL AND TRACK (Women). (1) Fundamental techniqu es of softball and track and field, including strategy and rules. 45

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