The history of musi c of Pre-Christian. Middle A!!t'S. l{enaissa nce, and early Baroque periods ( Pre-Christian age througlt l,th century). ~06. MUSIC HISTORY A\'D LITERATCRE II. ! 2) The history of music of the Baroque and thl' ea rh Classic pl'riods \ 18th century) . 305. MUSIC HISTORY r\'.\ D LITERATCR£ 111. l 2 1 The history of music of the late Classic and Romani ic periods ( 19th century). 306. MUSIC HISTORY AI\D LITERATLl{E IV. !21 The historY of music of the Mod ern and the Contemporarv Periods (20th cent~ry I .
204. TEACHING CHORAL MLSIC. \ 21 Problems in choral organ ization and motivation; ac hi eving balance. b lend. intonation: interpretati on uf litera ture: program building; psy chology in rehearsal. 309. OBSERVATION AND PARTJCIPATIOl\ - MCSIC. tll Directed observation in the public sc hool s. introduction to administra tive personnel. survey of schoo l services. both elemen tary and secondary levels. Participative teac hing contacts with evaluations by district and college personnel. 321. STRING INSTRUMENTS: CLASS INSTRLCTIO AND METHODS. (31 Elementary instruction in violin. viola. ce llo. and bass . A study of tone production. bowing. technique, and care of instruments. Planning a course of study for teaching strings in public schools. 322. WOODWIND INSTRUMENTS: CLASS INSTRUCTION AND METHODS. (3) Elementary instruction in clarinet. flute, oboe, bassoon , and saxophone. A study of correct tone production, technique. and care of instruments. Planning a course of study for teaching woodwinds in public schools. 323. BRASS AND PERCUSSION INSTRUMENTS: CLASS INSTRUCTION AND METHODS. \3J Elementary instruction in trumpet, alto horn, French horn, trombone, baritone horn , and tuba . A study of correct tone production, technique, and care of instruments. The rudiments of snare drum and instruction in other percussion in struments. Planning a course of study. 421. MUSIC EDUCATION IN THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. (3) Purposes and procedures. A study of methods used for presentation of varied musical experiences. Role songs. rh) thm. reading songs, creative activities, music appreciation, dramatizations. and th e playing of simple instruments. Consideration of the child voice. Survey of materials. 56
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