

315 . HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. (3) Changes and growth in the language development. A study of word formation and function. 316. EIGHTEENTH CENTURY LITERATURE. (3) A study of the major works of the period. 401. CREATIVE WRITING. (3) A study of the literary forms. Workshop sessions on writing the short story, the essay, and various kinds of feature articles for magazines. 403. SHAKESPEARE. (3) A study of selected Shakespearean plays from the standpoint of the universal human truths portrayed by the characters. 406. WORLD LITERATURE. (3) A study of significant continental contributi ons to Western thought. 408. MAJOR AMERICAN NOVELISTS . (3) A critical reading and evaluation of the works of major literary spokes• men. 410. CHILDREN'S LITERATURE. (2) An introduction to chi ldren's literature on all grade levels in elementar y school with consideration for the historical trends, criteria for selection, and a student's compiled bibliography covering children's reading inter· ests and expressional forms. 413 . VICTORIAN PERIOD. (3) A study of the major poets and prose writers between 1830 and 1901. 415. LITERARY CRITICISM. (3) A study of critical methods with lect ures on the history and development of literary criticism for the purpose of providing a basis for the careful evaluati on of literary productions. 416. TWENTIETH CENTURY LITERATURE. (3 ) A study of twentieth century literature with emphasis upon American and English writers. FOREIGN LANGUAGE Objectives. The objectives of this Department are to increase linguistic aptitud e, to provide a basis for future graduate work, to meet the needs of the mission field. and to give an insight into cu ltural and literary values of other nations. Department Minor: 18 units. of which 12 must be upper division.


Basic principles of pron unciation and grammar, vocabulary drill, graded reading. From the beginning, classroom conversation in French. 201 , 202. INTERMEDIATE FRENCH. I 3. 31 Advanced grammar and conversation. with stress placed upon reading for meaning and speed. 61

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