


101, 102. PHYSICAL SCIENCE. (2-2) A study of the basic principles of the Physical Sciences: Physics, chem­ istry, geology, and astronomy, to provide a knowledge of how the physical sciences contribute to an understanding of the physical environ­ ment. PHYSICAL SCIENCE LAB. (1) Required. May be taken either semes­ ter. 103. CHEMISTRY SURVEY. (4) Designed primarily for the non-science major and presenting the prin­ ciples, applications, and methods of chemistry. May be taken for credit in physical science. Lectures, 3 hours; laboratory and demonstration, 3 hours. 104. PHYSICS SURVEY. (4) A survey of the basic principles of classical and modern physics. De­ signed primarily for the non-science major; may be taken for credit in physical science. Lectures, 3 hours ; laboratory and demonstration, 3 hours. Prerequisites: High school algebra and geometry. 105, 106. GENERAL CHEMISTRY. (5-5) A study of most of the important theories and principles of chemistry and some of the more important elements and compounds. The labora­ tory work mostly quantitative in nature. Lectures, 3 hours; laboratory, 6 hours . Prerequisite: High school chemistry, Science 103, or permission of the instructor. 107, 108. GENERAL PHYSICS. (4-4) 107, the basic principles of mechanics, wave motion, and heat. 108, a study of light, electricity. magnetism, and atomic structure. Lectures, 3 hours; laboratory, 3 hours. Prerequisite: High school mathematics or Mathematics 101.


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