

Photo Pierre Lemieux

Campbell and Elizabeth MacGillivray, parents of Rachel MacGillivray, of Dalkeith,

Together, we can do better!

joins Glengarry-Prescott-Russell MP Pierre Lemieux on Parliament Hill.

Dalkeith student saluted

Candidate for Glengarry-Prescott-Russell for the Liberal Party of Canada


A Dalkeith student has been recognized for her salute to war veterans.

Rachel MacGillivray won first place in the Historica-Dominion Institute’s “Art from

MemoryChallenge.”Rachel handcraftedanartworkblanket, entitled“SecurityBlanket,”

by drawing inspiration from the memories of relatives who fought inWorldWar II. She

Who is Julie Bourgeois? Born in Embrun and lives in Casselman with her husband

further honoured veterans by donating a fifth of her prize winnings to The Perley and

Rideau Veterans Health Centre in Ottawa. Rachel, who is attending university in New

Brunswick,was representedbyherparents,Campbell andElizabethMacGillivray,when

Glengarry-Prescott-RussellMPPierreLemieuxpraisedher during a speech in theHouse

of Commons. Said Lemieux: “We are very proud of Rachel’s accomplishments and of

how she has honoured our veterans. Well done, Rachel!”

Mark Kelly and their two children. Graduate from the University of Ottawa and a lawyer since 1999.

Soyez prêt pour la relance Optez pour le programme Deuxième carrière à La Cité collégiale


Profession: Assistant Crown Attorney for the counties of Prescott and Russell for the past 11 years. Volunteering: Former Board member of the Royal Ottawa Mental Health Centre

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and of the Canadian Mental Health Association for the Champlain-East Region; member of the Richelieu Club. Plays hockey and practices kickboxing. She supports arts, culture and community events.

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