EDUCATION / 49 English, History, Humanities, Language Arts, Music, Physical Education, Psychology, Social Science. (Refer to the proper Divi sion for details.) Acceptable m'inors fo 1· educat'ion students: Biological Science, English, Foreign Language, History, Philosophy, Physical Educa tion, Psychology, Speech. (Refer to the proper Division for details.) Professional cour ses r equired for Elem entary Education. All candidates for a Standard Credential in Elementary Teaching must complete the following Education courses: 301, 311, 320, 321, 403, 404 and either 410 or 326. Students working toward a credential must apply for admission to the education program in their Sophomore year and must meet standards of professional aptitude. Information about these re quirements may be secured from the Education Department. 301. SOCIAL, HISTORICAL, and PHILOSOPHICAL FOUNDATIONS of EDUCATION. (4) Social, historical, and philosophical foundations of educa tion from ancient times to the present in the light of their effect upon modern educational theory and practice. 311. PSYCHOLOGICAL FOUNDATIONS of EDUCATION. (4) Application of psychological principles to the educative proc ess; role of the teacher and learner; motivation, intelligence, transfer of learning, measurement; human growth and de velopment; recent and outstanding contributions of research and experimentation in the field. Prerequisite: Psych. 205. Scope and function of Audio-Visual Aids in teaching. Empha sis on methods of using audio-visual materials and equip ment to improve instruction. Sources of materials and op eration of machines. 320. ELEMENTARY METHODS and CURRICULUM I. (5) Principles of elementary education; content and methods of teaching science, reading and the language arts. Observa tion and participation in public elementary schools. Prerequi site: Departmental approval. 321. ELEMENTARY METHODS and CURRICULUM II. (5) Content and methods of teaching mathematics and social studies; audio-visual methods and techniques. Observation and participation in public elementary schools. Prerequi site: Departmental approval. Problems of teaching in the junior high school. Character istics of the junior high school student, philosophy and cur riculum of the junior high school, and methods suitable to this age level. Prerequisite: 301, 311. 315. AUDIO-VISUAL. (2) 326. JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL METHODS. (2)
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