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F I N E A R T S - M U S I C the Philharmonic of Los Angeles, presents four series of concerts each season. In the field of chamber music the Music Guild provides an additional series. Students are offered further opportunity to hear the best in sacred music provided by various churches of the Los Angeles area. S ervice Opportunities. The metropolitan area furnishes many opportunities for remunerative service in the field of music. There are frequent openings for competent organists, choir directors, soloists, and accompanists, both in churches and on various radio and television programs. Scholcirships. Service scholarships covering tuition and applied music fees are available for certain musically talented students evidencing character and academic ability. Inquiries should be directed to the chairman of the department. Graduation R equirements . Church music and Music Education majors must complete one year of practical training as a choir director or as an assistant to a church music director. Students using organ as a principal instrument in these majors must serve one year as organist in a local church. Applied music majors must present junior and senior recitals. All music majors must com plete the minimum requirements m piano proficiency as outlined by the department. Mcijo?'S. Three professional majors leading to the Bachelor of Music degree are offered: Applied Music, Music Theory and Com position , and Church Music. Two non-professional majors leading to the Bachelor of Arts degree are also offered, one of which is designed for students preparing for music teaching in public schools. Entrance requirements for an Applied Music Major: Picino. Students must present work equivalent to the following: Czerny, op. 299; Bach, Two-Part Inventions; easier sonatas of Haydn, Mozart, and Beethoven ; and comparable selections from the romantic and modern periods, e.g. Mendelssohn, Songs With out Words; Schumann, Scenes from Childhood; Debusy, Children's Corner; and Pinto, Scenas Infantis. Vo-ic e. The student should be able to sing on pitch a standard song in English and read a simple song at sight. An elementary knowledge of the piano and of the rudiments of music is required. Depa1·tment Ma.io1· in Applied Music: 82 units, of which 44 are upper division, 8 are music activity and ensemble, and 34 are applied, of which 32 are on the principal instrument. Department Ma.for in Music Theory and Composition: 82 units, of which 40 are upper division; 8 are in music activity and en semble; and 22 are applied, 16 of which are on the principal instrument.
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