PROFESSORS: Bass (chairman), Chase, Ehlert ASSOCIATE PROFESSORS: McGahey, Serrano ASSISTANT PROFESSORS: Bicker, Britton, Buss, Doland, Gilman, Poggemiller, W. Shanebeck, Sturz, Wetzler INSTRUCTORS: McMahon, Ridderhof, D. Shanebeck The Division of Humanities, in addition to majors in English and Speech, offers two divisional majors: Humanities and Lan guage Arts. D'i1,,,is,ion Maj or in Humcindies: 30 uni ts, of which 24 must be upper division, 18 in one field of which 12 must be upper division, and 6 upper division units in each of two remaining fields. The fields of study avai lable: Literature, Phi losophy, Language. The course requirements are the same as for a minor in the selected field of concentration . Division Major in Lcinguage Arts: 30 units, of which 24 must be upper division, 18 in one field of which 12 must be upper divi sion, and 6 upper division units in each of two remaining fields . The fields of study available: English, Linguistics, and Speech. The student may select either English or Speech as his principal field of study. The course requirements are the same as for a minor in the selected field of concentration. The Division of Humanities in conjunction with the Division of Social Science also offers a major in Hispanic American Studies. The major is designed to provide a better understanding of the language, literature, history, and geography of the Hispanic World. The major consists of 30 units, of which 24 must be upper division, 12 units in a major field of concentration, 6 units in each of two minor fields, and 6 units of directed electives. Present fields of con centration: Language, Literature, and History. Prerequisite for the Major: Spanish 201-202, 301-302, or equivalent. Suggested courses: Spanish 303-304, 404-405, 406-407, 499; History 309, 417; Political Science 305, 307; Linguistics 333. ENGLISH Objectives. The Department of English has five objectives: the understanding of language as a means of communication; the abili ty to speak and write with clarity of thought and mechanical cor rectness; an understanding of literature as a record of the develop ment of human thought and the reflection of human history; the appreciation and enjoyment of good literature; and an acquaint ance with the literary heritage of the English-speaking world.
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