HUMANITIES 71 Premajor Requirement: English 201, 202; History 207. Department Major: 30 units (including English 202), of which 24 must be upper division. As part of this 30 unit requirement, the student must complete English 315 and 415 and select 3 units from each of the following two groups: (1) 309,310; (2) 200, 314,406; and 6 units from (3) 304, 316, 403, 312, or 413, not including both 312 and 413. / Department Minor: 18 units, of which 12 must be upper divi sion. In addition, the student must select 3 units in each of the three above-mentioned groups. ENGLISH A. (0) A noncredit course in grammar for those who receive an un satisfactory score on the English portion of their entrance examinations. COMPOSITION. (3, 3) Reading improvement and training in composition stressing logic, argument, and evaluation, with the application of the fundamentals of writing to long compositions, including the research paper. 101 is prerequisite for 102. 101, 102. BASIC LANGUAGE, READING, AND
103, 104.
CRITICISM. (4, 3) Consideration of the basic elements of oral and written com munication as a basis for the improvement of the student's abil ity to communicate his own thought and to understand the thought of others. One unit basic lecture in rhetorical theory, two units in critical reading and composition, and one unit speech laboratory. Those who pass 103 are exempt from Speech 101 and English 101, but must follow with English 104. MASTERPIECES. (3) Concentrated study of selected masterpieces of world litera ture including American, English, Continental and Asian literatures. ENGLISH LITERATURE. (3, 3) A survey of poetry and prose from Beowulf to the present, including some of the masterpieces. Survey of the j ourna listic fie ld and evaluation of vocational opportunities affo1"Cled. Introduction to the skills required for experience in the field . DIRECTED READING. (1, 3) Selected reading in areas (or periods) of deficiency of the student, as det~rmined by consultation with the instructor.
201, 202.
203 . JOURNALISM. (3)
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