PROFESSORS: Davidheiser (chairman), Soubirou ASSOCIATE PROFESSORS: Leo, Urton ASSISTANT PROFESSORS: Graham, Hopkins
BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE Objectives. This department has a two-fold objective: (1) to give the student the broad view of science, its methodology and discoveries necessary for intelligent living in a technological age; and (2) to provide the instruction in specific fields needed for further work in science, psychology and education, and to provide the necessary program for the medical and para-medical profes sions. PremCl.?°o'r Requirements: 201, 202, 203, Chemistry 103, Mathe matics 111. DepnrtmPnt Maj01·: 28 upper division units, including 301, 401, 402, 404, 405, 406, 407, 408. DepartmPnt M'in01·: 18 units, 12 upper division. GENERAL BIOLOGY. (4, 4) A survey of living things and basic principles by which they exist. The significance of these principles to man emphasized. First semester, invertebrates and plants. Second semester, vertebrates. Students may take either 202 or 203 the second semester. Three hours lecture and three hours laboratory. 201, 202.
GENERAL BOTANY. (4) Life histories, structure, and physiology of plants. Three hours lecture and three hours laboratory. COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. (4) An anatomical comparison of microscopic and macroscopic structures of the squalus acanthesis, turtle, foetal pig and cat. Three hours lecture and three hours laboratory. ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. (5) Introduction to the basic structures and function of the hu man body. Five hours lecture and three hours laboratory. Prerequisite: Biology 201.
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