
NEW TESTAMENT STUDIES Required Courses 201 NEW TESTAMENT LITERATURE I (3) Literature of the four gospels; use of narrative, historical method, sources; authorship, and content of each gospel; the synoptic problem, and contribution of each gospel to the knowledge of Christ. · 202 NEW TESTAMENT LITERATURE II (3) Epistolary form , content, theological contribution, canonicity, and interpretation; historical background in comparison with the book of Acts. 300 EARLY CHRISTIAN HISTORY - ACTS (3) The book of Acts with emphasis on the missionary philosophy and activity of the early church with current application. 322 EPISTLE TO THE ROMANS (3) Textual analysis with emphasis upon doctrine and spiritual truths. Required of Bible Majors. Optional with Theology 310 for non-Bible majors. Elective Courses 310 ADVANCED STUDIES IN THE GOSPEL (2-3) In depth study of one of the gospels , or detailed consideration of problems related to several or all of the gospels. 320 ADVANCED STUDIES IN EPISTOLARY LITERATURE (2-3) Selected epistles considering genuineness and authenticity, exposition of the text, and investigation of problem passages. (Hebrews required of Biblical Studies Majors. ) 410 ADVANCED STUDIES IN NEW TESTAMENT ESCHATOLOGICAL LITERATURE (2-3) New Testament prophetic texts such as Matthew 24 and 25 , I and II Thessalonians, and Revelation. (Revelation required of Biblical Studies Majors.) 420 ADVANCED STUDIES IN NEW TESTAMENT HISTORY (2-3) Studies to include areas such as the life of Christ, the life of Paul, and selected studies in the book of Acts. GENERAL BIBLE STUDY (Electives) 105 TYPOLOGY (2) Old Testament types in Genesis, Exodus, and Leviticus; the Tabernacle, offerings and feasts, emphasizing the spiritual lessons applied to personal life. 106 CHAPTER SUMMARY (2) Introduction, demonstration, and use of the Chapter Summary method of Bible study in selected books of the Bible with application of the text to the Christian life. 400 INDUCTIVE BIBLE STUDY (2) Inductive study applied to Biblical narrative and epistolary literature. 480 BIBUCAL RESEARCH (1-3) Traditional and contemporary problems in Biblical areas . Limited to junior or senior Bible Majors . (May include Greek 405 , 406, 409, 410). Consent required. 470 BIBLICAL SEMINAR (1-3) Small group studies utilizing techniques of problem solving, research, formal writing, and communication of results. Enrollment limited to juniors and seniors. THEOLOGICAL STUDIES 100 BIBLICAL FOUNDATIONS (3) Doctrine of the Scriptures as inspired by God, a completed revelation in the books recognized as canonical , illumined to believers by the Holy Spirit; the incorporation of a Biblical foundation into personal Christian growth and witness. 300 GOD, CHRIST, AND HOLY SPIRIT (3) God, His existence, unity, trinitarian distinctions, attributes, decrees, and works; the theanthropic person of Christ and His work; the Holy Spirit, His person and work. 310 MAN, SIN, AND SALVATION The origin , character, transmission, effect, and punishment of sin; the saving work of the triune God in atonement, redemption , grace, regeneration, calling, and results of salvation. (Required of Biblical Studies majors. Optional with NT 322 for non-Bible majors.) 410 CHURCH AND FUTURE THINGS (3) The church, its inception and unique position in God's program; future things including the return of Christ, the millennial age , future resurrection and judgment with attention to dispensational hermeneutical principles. 480 THEOLOGICAL RESEARCH (1-3) Research in the solution of specific doctrinal problems. Sections offered every year in areas such as Biblical Authority, Contemporary Problems, Missions, Prophetic Problems, Doctrinal Bibliography. Limited to Biblical Studies Majors. Prerequisite: 300, 310, and consent.


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