

Objectives: The objectives of the So­ cial Science Division are three-fold: to acquaint the student with the enor­ mous body of facts related to the vari­ ous subjects within the division; to aid the student in the interpretation of these facts; and to help the student to use the knowledge gained in adjusting to the problems of life and in becoming a more effective and useful citizen. The Social Science Division offers five majors. Four of them are depart­ mental, including Business Adminis­ tration, History, Latin American His­ tory, and Sociology. The one divisional major is Social Science. Social Science major requirements: 30 units beyond general education, of which 24 must be upper division. The student must choose a concentration of 18 units in history, political sci­ ence, or sociology. At least six upper division units in one other field with­ in the division are required. If the field of concentration is history or sociology the student must also take six units of political science includ­ ing 301. It is recommended that those seeking a teaching credential will fulfill the requirements in history from the fol­ lowing courses: History 309, 310, 317, 318, 403, 404. SOCIAL SCIENCE MAJOR WITH A MISSIONS EMPHASIS: This major, with a missions emphasis, consists of 30 units, of which 24 must be upper division : A 15-unit concen- - tartion in History or Sociology and six units in the remaining field: six units in either Anthropology or Lin­ quistics, and three units from any area in the Division. Anthropology 301, History 327, Linguistics 301, and 99

PROFESSORS: Henry (chairman), Iwata ASSOCIATE PROFESSORS: Arthur, Carmona, J. Crawford, Livingston ASSISTANT PROFESSORS : D. Buss, Cook, R. Hill, Peters, Nishida, Nollmeyer, Rankin INSTRUCTORS: Powell, Terry

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