Objectives: The objectives of the So cial Science Division are three-fold: to acquaint the student with the enor mous body of facts related to the vari ous subjects within the division; to aid the student in the interpretation of these facts; and to help the student to use the knowledge gained in adjusting to the problems of life and in becoming a more effective and useful citizen. The Social Science Division offers five majors. Four of them are depart mental, including Business Adminis tration, History, Latin American His tory, and Sociology. The one divisional major is Social Science. Social Science major requirements: 30 units beyond general education, of which 24 must be upper division. The student must choose a concentration of 18 units in history, political sci ence, or sociology. At least six upper division units in one other field with in the division are required. If the field of concentration is history or sociology the student must also take six units of political science includ ing 301. It is recommended that those seeking a teaching credential will fulfill the requirements in history from the fol lowing courses: History 309, 310, 317, 318, 403, 404. SOCIAL SCIENCE MAJOR WITH A MISSIONS EMPHASIS: This major, with a missions emphasis, consists of 30 units, of which 24 must be upper division : A 15-unit concen- - tartion in History or Sociology and six units in the remaining field: six units in either Anthropology or Lin quistics, and three units from any area in the Division. Anthropology 301, History 327, Linguistics 301, and 99
PROFESSORS: Henry (chairman), Iwata ASSOCIATE PROFESSORS: Arthur, Carmona, J. Crawford, Livingston ASSISTANT PROFESSORS : D. Buss, Cook, R. Hill, Peters, Nishida, Nollmeyer, Rankin INSTRUCTORS: Powell, Terry
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