Sociology 404 are required. Philosophy 314 is strongly recommended as a support ing course. The student is urged to consult the Director of Missions when plan ning his course of study. It is recommended that all those taking a major in the Sociai Science Division include Economics 201 as a supporting course for their major.
Nature of culture; cultural growth and history; the range of cultural phonemena, including material culture, social organization, religion, language, and related topics. 302 GENERAL PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY (3) Origin and antiquity of man; criteria of race and racial classification; current racial theories and race problems. 303 ETHNOLOGY (3) Principal culture types and their distribution; discussion of ethnological problems; tech niques of analyzing a culture. 304 PEOPLES OF AFRICA (3) Native cultures of Africa south of the Sahara; cultural history, diversity, and prob lems in cultural adjustment in modern Africa. Alternate years, offered 1971-72. 305 PEOPLES OF ASIA (3) A descriptive and comparative study of the people of China, Japan, India, and South east Asia, with emphasis on arts, customs, religion, and social structure. Alternate years, offered 1972-73. 306 PEOPLES OF THE AMERICAS (3) Cultural survey of the Indians of the Americas and description of selected cultures representative of different areas before and after contact with Western countries. 307 PEOPLES OF THE PACIFIC (3) The indigenous cultures of Polynesia, Melanesia, Micronesia, Malaysia, and Australia. Alternate years, offered 1972-73. 401 SEMINAR IN ANTHROPOLOGY (3) Contemporary problem of culture contact among non-literate peoples discussed and presented from student research. 402 READING COURSE IN ANTHRO-LINGUISTICS (2) A selected area or problems of anthropology and linguistics covered and presented in written form. Offered on sufficient demand. 403 METHODS IN ANTHROPOLOGY (3-6) How to obtain and arrange anthropological data gathered on the field. Prerequisite: 301 or 303. Offered on sufficient demand.
Department Major: 48 units, of which 24 must be upper division, leading to the Bachelor of Science Degree. The required core curriculum includes 111, 191, 211, 212, 221, 320, 330, 361, 362, 470, and Economics 201, 202. Business Education courses are also available. 100
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