The general education requirement for a foreign language for those following a Business Administration major may be met by two years of high school language or the first four units of a college language . 111 INTRODUCTION TO BUSINESS (3) Survey of the major functional areas of business. Basic to specialized courses in business administration. 191 MATHEMATICS OF FINANCE (2) Essential business mathematics, especially for retailing, banking, and finance; ele mentary statistical methods . Not for credit if Mathematics 111 has been completed. 211, 212 PRINCIPLES OF ACCOUNTING (3, 3) Basic for all business majors and those seeking to learn the language of business; proce dure for setting up a double entry bookkeeping system. Second semester: corporate accounting and elementary cost accounting methods. 221 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER PROGRAMMING (3) How computers work; computer language; flow charts; simple problems in computer programming and in data processing. 229 PERSONAL FINANCE AND MONEY MANAGEMENT (3) Managing family finances; budgeting; use of credit; borrowing money; savings methods; purchase of life, health, property, and auto insurance; buying or renting property; taxes; buying securities; small business opportunities; wills and estates. 274 ADVERTISING PRINCIPLES (3) Advertising methods currently used for promotion of products, services, ideas, and events by business firms, trade associations, and community organizations, including the church; assigned student projects. Prerequisite: 111 or consent of instructor. 311, 312 INTERMEDIATE ACCOUNTING (3-3) Advanced treatment of cash-flow, funds-flow analyses; preparation of financial state ments, income tax allocation, valuation, forecasts, cash reconciliation. Prerequisites: 211, 212. 313 COST ACCOUNTING (3) Cost accounting from managerial, conceptual, and technical viewpoints; product, labor, material, and overhead costing; planning and control processes; analytical procedures. Prerequisite: 211, 212. 314 AUDITING (3) Standards and control concepts; internal control and procedures; closing the audit. Prerequisite: 211, 212. 320 BUSINESS STATISTICS (3) Probability distributions; estimation and confidence intervals; tests of significance and of hypothesis; linear regression and correlation; principles of index numbers and time series analysis. 330 MARKETING (3) Methods, policies, and principles of modern marketing systems; various channels of distribution and future trends. Prerequisite: Economics 201. Alternate years, offered 1972-73. 101
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