
313, 314 MEDIEVAL HISTORY (3, 3) Western European history from the :fall of Rome to the Protestant Reformation; medieval institutions with special emphasis on the transition in arts, letters, and learning from the medieval to the modern age; political, social, and religious phases of the Reformation. Alternate years, offered 1972-73. 315, 316 EUROPE IN THE SEVENTEENTH AND EIGHTEENTH CENTURIES (3, 3) First semester: European culture, institutions, politics in the seventeenth century 1610-1715). Second semester: European culture, institutions, and politics from the death of Louis XIV to the collapse of the Napoleonic Empire (1715-1815). Alternate years, offered 1972-73. 317, 318 EUROPE IN THE NINETEENTH AND TWENTIETH CENTURIES TO 1914 (3-3) First semester: Europe from the end of the Napoleonic Empire to the end of the Franco­ Prussian War (1815-1870); the rise of nationalism, liberalism, international relations, and internal conditions of the major European countries. Second semester: Europe from the end of the Franco-Prussian War to the outbreak of World War I (1870-1914); the rise of nationalism, neo-imperialism, and the diplomatic background of World War I. Alternate years, offered 1971-72. 320, 321 HISTORY OF EAST ASIA (3, 3) First semester: China and Japan from the earliest times to the beginning of Western­ ization. Second semester: the transformation of the Far East in modern times under the impact of Western civilization. 325 HISTORY OF THE NEAR EAST (3) Fundamental social , economic, and political changes in the Near East; post-World War II development. Offered on sufficient demand. 327 HISTORY OF THE EXPANSION OF CHRISTIANITY (3) The background, origin, development, and spread of the Christian religion; emphasis on the modern era. 328 HISTORIOGRAPHY (3) The nature and discipline of history; major problems of historical interpretation. Introduction to research and synthesis. 401 THE AMERICAN CIVIL WAR AND RECONSTRUCTION (3) Background, causes, war-time conditions both civil and military in the North and South; problems of reconstruction. Alternate years, offered 1972-73. 402 THE GROWTH OF MODERN AMERICA (3) Post-Civil War growth and development of the national economy and culture; political reform movements; the rise to a position of world power to 1900. 403 THE UNITED STATES IN THE TWENTIETH CENTURY (3) Political, economic, intellectual, and cultural aspects of American democracy in the twen­ tieth century; impact of two world wars upon the American way of life. . 404 CALIFORNIA HISTORY (3) Exploration and colonization; the Mexican period; the coming of the Americans; statehood; the social, economic, and political developments as a part of the United States. 407 AN INTELLECTUAL HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES (3) An investigation of the role of major intellectual ideas instrumental in the shaping and molding of American society from colonial to contemporary times. Prerequisites: 205, 206. Alternate years, offered 1972-73 (Sp~ing). 105

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