
410 HISTORY OF MEXICO (3) Mexico from colonial times to the present; development of major economic, social, and political institutions, and their influence on Mexico's relations with other hemispheric states. Alternate years, offered 1971-72. 411 HISTORY OF RELIGION IN LATIN AMERICA (3) Religion in Latin America, including ancient non-Christian religions, Catholic, and Protestant influence, and the post-World-War-II change in the Latin American re­ ligious picture. Alternate years, offered 1972-73. 412 PROBLEMS IN CONTEMPORARY LATIN AMERICAN HISTORY (3) Problems of development, approaches to solutions; revolution and reform; public ad­ ministration; relations with the United States and other foreign powers. Alternate years, offered 1972-73. 415 HISTORY OF SOUTH ASIA (3) History and culture of the South Asian subcontinent from the earliest times, through the eras of European expansion, British rule, and the nationalist movement to the present. 416 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST ASIA (3) History and culture of modern Burma, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Malaya, Indonesia, and the Philippines from earliest times; the expansion of European influence, and the growth of nationalism in Burma, Indonesia, Indo-China, and the Philippines. 417 DIPLOMATIC HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES (3) American diplomatic history from the standpoint of the concepts of neutrality, isola­ tion, expansion, manifest destiny, and the Monroe Doctrine. Offered on sufficient demand. 418 HISTORY OF AFRICA (3) Africa beginning with the Islamic penetration; African kingdoms in the Middle Ages; European penetration and partition in the 19th century; colonialism and nationalism as historical forces; post World War II independence movements; impact of apartheid, tribalism, and cultural conflict in modern Africa. Alternate years, offered 1971-72. (Fall) 419 HISTORY OF COMMUNISM (3) Background, origin, development, teachings, and techniques of expansion of inter­ national Communism; the role of the Soviet Union in the Communist movement. Alter­ nate years, offered 1971-72. 420 HISTORY OF MODERN RUSSIA (3) Social and political history of modern Russia, with an analysis of Czardom, the revo­ lutionary movement, and the establishment and development of the Soviet regime. Offered on sufficient demand. 421 SEMINAR IN HISTORY (3) Special studies in history, including current problems; practice in techniques of research and formal writing. 424 HISTORY OF EUROPE SINCE 1914 (3) Europe during and after World War I with emphasis on the consequences of that war, crisis of European democracy, rise of Communism, Fascism and Nazism; failure of collective security; World War II and post-war Europe; the Cold War, economic in­ tegration, and the Soviet Union as a major power. Alternate years, offered 1972-73. (Fall) 470, 471 AREA SEMINAR IN HISTORY (3, 3) An intensive study of the geographic areas of Europe, the United States, Latin America, or Asia, according to the special needs of the student. Offered on sufficient demand.


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