

Academic Information ........... ..


Doctrine, Statement of ..... ...... 18 Doctrine Courses .................................. 52 Economics ............................................102 Education Division .................... ... ......... 55 Educational Administration .............. 5 Educational Distinctives .................... 16 Educational Standing ........... .. ............. 15 Employment ........................ ........... 35 English ... ........................... 79 Enrollment Summary .................. .........111 Evangelical Teacher Training Association ...... 50 Extracurricular Activities ....... 29 Faculty ......... .. ................................ ......... 6 Faculty Committees ........................... 14 Financial Information ..... ................ 33 F ine Arts Division ............ 66 Foreign Language ............... ........... .. ... 82 Forensics .............. ... .... .... ................... 44 French ..................... ......... ................ . 82 General Education Requirements 31 Geography Courses ......... . ..................103 German .. ........................................... ... ... 83 Grades ....................... ...... .... ... .. .. 27 Greek ............. .............. ........ .. ..... 83 Guidance ...... ... ..... ...................... ....... ... . 37

Academi c Load ....... ......

...... ... ...... 28

Academic Standards ... .... ......... Accreditation and Recognit ion Admission ..... ...................... ......... ... Advanced Placement P rogram

28 15 21

24 Application .... ... ....... .. .. ................... 21 College Level Examination Program 24 E a rly Admission .. ..... ... .... ... ....... .... 23 International Students ............... .. . 25 Notification .. .... ....... ... .. ...... ..... .. .... ..... 23 Procedure ........ ...... .... .... .... ... ...... .... 22 Requirements ... .. .. ........... ... ............. .... 21 Transfers .. ...... ...... .... .................... 23, 27 Anthropology .... ... ... ... ....... ... ... 100 Art ..... .. ............ ... .. .. .............. .... . 66 Associated Students ...... ............... .. ...... . 43 Athletics .......... .... . ...... ... .. .... .... ... ... ..... .... 44 Attendance ..... ... ... .. .. .................. 27 Audio-Visual Depar t ment ....... ... .. 20 Bible for Graduates Progr am Bible and Doctrine Requir ements 30 Biblical Studies Division ... .... .... ........ . 47 Biola Men .......... ...... ....... .... ..... 44 Biological Science ... ...... ...... .. ........... 87 Board of Directors .. .... ........ .... . 5 Book Store ...... 19 Business Administration ........ .......... ..100 Business and Economics . .100 Business Education ...... 103 47

Health Services ...... ...

41 22 29 40

Hig·h School Record . ... ................ ....

History Courses

... ............

..... ...103

Honor s ,........ ...... ... .... .. ..... ... ............. Housing for Married Students .

Calendar, Academi c


Campus ...... ...... .... .... .... ... .. ............

17 32 91 50 32 71


.......... . .....

.. .......... ....

Humanities Division

.... 76

Chemistry ........... .. ... ... ....... ...... .... Christian Education Courses ... . Christian Service . .... .. .. .... .... .... .. ...

Information, General ..... Interden ominati onal Nature of Biola College International Students ...............


Church Music

... .. .. .. ...........

17 25

Classification of Students ................ 27 College Level E xamination P r ogr am 24 Communications ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ..... ...... ... 76 Community of La Mirada ............... 16 Conduct, Standards of ... ... ......... .... .. ..... 17 Conference Program ............ 42, 43 Missionary Conference 42, 43 Torrey Memorial Conference ... . 42, 43 Correpondence-School Officials ...111 Counseling Center 38 Course Offerings .. ..... ..45

King's Daughters


LangtJage Arts ...... ............ 76 Latin American History .... ...... ... .... ... ..103 Library .. ......... .... ... .. . ..... . 19 Linguistics ............. ........................ .. ...107 Literature Courses ... .... ... .. ...... 79, 80, 81 Loans .. ... .. ... ... ... ..... ... ... ....... 39 Location of Biola College 17

Degree Requirements Degrees ... .. .. .. ..... .. .. Devotional Life ...... .

30 30 42 40

Mathemat ics ...

91 53 68 75 73

Mission s Courses ........ ................. ..



Additional Courses

Divisional Organization




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