(correction to Page 33)
In the past year the National economy has experienced the greatest inflation of any time during the past twenty years. Biola College has sought to r e gulate and control the cost of tuition and fees, as well as room and board, so that total costs could be kept at a minimum. It had been the hop e of th e Administr a tion that no in crease would be necessary for the 1970-71 school year. In spite of careful planning, the Administration was not prepared for the spiraling inflation of the last year. In a most careful consideration of the 1970- 71 budget it became evident that there would have to be an increase in tuition or drastic cuts made which would affect the quality of the educational program. Biola College has long been committed to improving the quality of education rather than reducing it. There fore, it has become necessary to announce a tuition increase for the 1970-71 school year. Tuition is being increased $75 per semester, making tuition and fees $1500 for the school year for the full time student. The cost per unit of credit is being increased from $60 to $65. These increases will not only permit Biola College to continue the quality of its educational program, but will permit improve ment in some areas.
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