
401 CHRISTIAN EDUCATION OF YOUTH AND ADULTS (5) Principles and practice in the administration and organization of various programs for youth and adults; examination of needs, curricula, programs, methods, and audio­ visuals used by church and other agencies; includes worship, counseling, recreation, and stewardship. 402 HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF CHRISTIAN EDUCATION (3) A survey of the historical and philosophical progress of Christian Education, tracing the importance of Christian leadership through church related educational movements with special study of present trends. Designed to aid students to form a Biblical philosophy of Christian Education. SEMINAR: DIRECTED FIELD WORK (2, 2) Practical experience in the areas of the student's vocational interest with faculty counseling and supervision. 403, 404 405 GROUP COMMUNICATION (3) Contemporary communication theory including general semantics and group dynamics ; leadership, group process , and interpersonal relations in the small group. ( See Com­ munications 405.)


Procedures and materials available for all age levels in m1ss10ns education; m1ss1on­ ary projects designed for children, youth, and adults. Alternate years, offered 1972-73.

407 CHURCH OFFICE MANAGEMENT (2) Office management, fundamentals of bookkeeping and record systems, business and office furniture and machines, duplication processes; relationship of Christian Educa­ tion and secretarial position . Alternate years, offered 1971-72. 411 CURRICULUM IN CHRISTIAN EDUCATION (2) Review of basic principles of curriculum construction and use of representative litera­ ture in the Christian Education field; includes evaluation and construction of materials for various age groups according to individual needs. Alternate years, offered 1972-73. 412 TECHNIQUES OF COUNSELING (2) Study and evaluation of the counselor and the counseling process; counseling as it relates to conversion, subsequent growth, leadership counseling, and the educational intentions of the church; reading- in special areas of work: vocational guidance, sex education, et cetera. (2) Use of drama as an educational tool; study of production, direction, and acting; use of religious drama in the church and practical production devices. Alternate years, offered 1971-72. 422 DRAMA IN THE CHURCH 470 (1-3) Development of research skills and independent study in Christian Education. Limited to seniors. Offered on demand. RESEARCH IN CHRISTIAN EDUCATION

DOCTRINE Objectives.

The primary objectives of the doctrine courses are (1) to give the student a thorough grasp of all the major doctrines of the Word of God; (2) to correlate the whole into one defensible system which will form a solid foundation for the understanding and intelligent use of the Bible; (3) to promote warm Christian experience and spiritual maturity. The approach to all areas of doctrinal 52

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