
Recommended majors for elementary credential candidates: Art, Biological Science, Communications, English, History, Humanities, Humanities Major in Language Arts, Latin American History, Mathematics, Music, Physical Edu­ cation (grade 7-9), Psychology, Social Science, Sociology, Spanish. Recommended majors for secondary credential candidates: Art, Biological Sci­ ence, Communications, English, History, Humanities (Literature or Foreign Language concentration), Humanities Major in Language Arts, Latin American History, Mathematics, Music, Physical Education, Social Science, Spanish. Acceptable minors for credential candidates: Art, Biological Science, Commu­ nications, English, German, History, Mathematics, Psychology, Physical Educa­ tion, Spanish. Professional cours es required: All candidates for the Standard Teaching Cre­ dential with a Specialization in Elementary Teaching must complete the follow­ ing Education courses: 200, 301, 311, 320, 321, 403, 404, 405. All candidates for the Standard Teaching Credential with a Specialization in Secondary Teaching must complete the following Education courses: 200, 301, 311, 340, 442, 443, 444. Students who wish to become candidates for a teaching credential must apply for admission to the education program in their sophomore year or immediately upon transfer into the college if beyond that year. Other requirements of the Education department are stated in the Guide For Education Students, which may be secured from the department office. 200 INTRODUCTION TO TEACHING (0) A brief overview of teaching in the elementary or secondary school by means of film, local school representatives, and video tape; department admission examinations in English, Speech, Scholastic Aptitude, and related areas. Required of all sophomores or transfers with higher standing who plan to enter the education program. Meets one hour a week for ten weeks. Either semester. 250 EARLY FIELD EXPERIENCE (1) Assignment as teacher assistant in local school for three hours a week. Either semester. 301 SOCIAL, HISTORICAL, AND PHILOSOPHICAL FOUNDATIONS OF EDUCATION (3) Social, historical, and philosophical foundations of education from ancient times to the present in the light of their effect upon modern educational theory and practice. 311 PSYCHOLOGICAL FOUNDATIONS OF EDUCATION (4) Application of psychological principles to the educative process; role of the teacher and learner; motivation, intelligence, transfer of learning, measurement; human growth and development; recent and outstanding contributions of research and experi­ mentation in the field. Prerequisite: Psychology 205. Either semester. 314 AUDIO-VISUAL INSTRUCTION (2) Need and functions of audio-visual techniques in teaching; development of skills in use Principles of elementary education; content and methods of teaching science, reading and the language arts; observation and participation in public elementary schools. Pre­ requ isite: Departmental approval. Either semester. 321 ELEMENTARY METHODS AND CURRICULUM II (5) Content and methods of teaching mathematics and social studies; audio-visual methods and techniques; observation and participation in public elementary schools. Prerequi­ site: Departmental approval. Either semester. 56 of materials and equipment; sources of materials and equipment. 320 ELEMENTARY METHODS AND CURRICULUM I (5)

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