

Officers of The Board Louis T. Talbot ............................................... . Chancellor J. Richard Chase .................................... . .......... President ■ Robert Welch ..................................... . Chairman of the Board Foster W. Bens ................................ Vice-Chairman of the Board Paul Schwepker ...... . ............................ . Secretary of the Board

Members of The Board Lloyd T. Anderson

Edgar R. Lehman

Samuel H. Sutherland

Roger Arnebergh Foster W. Bens

Louis T. Talbot Robert Vernon Walter Warkentin Robert E. Welch

Sylvester L. Marshburn

Ray Myers George Peek Daniel Rose Gordon Scott

Arvid Carlson

Clifton A. Hanna

Charles Kohlenberger

Administration Louis T. Talbot, LL.D............................... . ........... Chancellor Samuel H. Sutherland, LL.D........................... . President Emeritus J. Richard Chase, Ph.D......................................... . President James R. Allder ...................... Vice-President in charge of Investments Paul W. Schwepker ............................... Vice-President of Finance Daniel J. Eitzen ... .. ............................................ Controller Robert F. Crawford, Ph.D.. ..... .............. . ......... Dean of the College William Bass, Ph.D.... .......................... Director of Summer School William L.- Carden, M.A........... ...... .... Dean of Admissions and Records Clyde Cook, Th.M.................. . .......... Director of Missions Activities Kenneth B. Daniels, Th.M................... Coordinator of Campus Activities Arnold D. Ehlert, M.S.L.S., Th.D................... Graduate Studies Librarian Robert Eitzen, B.A................................ Director of Financial Aids Jack Fisher, B.S............................................... . Registrar Gerald L. Gooden, M.L.S............................. Director of the Library Ron Hafer, B.A. . ............................. Director of Student Activities Margaret Hart, M.R.E.......................... . Associate Dean of Students Robert S. Livingston, M.B.A................... Director of Graduate Placement Richard Nollmeyer, M.D................... Director of Student Health Services Harold B. Penrose, B.A. . ....................... Director of Public Relations Earl Pullias, Ph.D., Professor of Education at University of Southern California ........................... Educational Consultant Craig Seaton, M.S .. ....................................... Dean of Students Merle Shoemaker .................................... Director of Personnel 5

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