
309 SPORTS OFFICIATING (Women) (2) Rules, scoring, and mechanics of officiating athletic events; selected activities and prac­ tice in actual officiating required . Alternate years, offered 1972-73. 310 ANALYSIS OF FOOTBALL AND SOCCER (Men) (2) Emphasis on the analysis and teaching of individual skills and team play; various techniques of offensive and defensive tactics and strategy. Prerequisite: 110 or 126. Alternate years, offered 1971-72. 311 ANALYSIS OF BASKETBALL (Men) (2) History, rules, elementary mastery of individual and team play, and methods of teaching basketball. Prerequisite: 105 or 125. Alternate years, offered 1972-73. 312 ANALYSIS OF TRACK AND FIELD (Men) (2) Rules governing individual events and the conduct of meets; elemental mastery of form; mechanical principles involved; methods of coaching the various events. Prerequi­ site: 115. Alternate years, offered 1971-72. 313 ANALYSIS OF BASEBALL (Men) (2) History, rules, nomenclature, care of field; elemental mastery of each position, in­ cluding base running, sliding and base coaching; offensive and defensive play; strategy and methods of coaching softball. Alternate years, offered 1972-73. 314 ANALYSIS OF WRESTLING AND GYMNASTICS (Men) (2) Essential techniques of wrestling and gymnastics; development of a team; condition­ ing and conduct of practice sessions; accident prevention procedures; mechanical prin­ ciples wh ich govern performance. Prerequisite: 116, 119. Alternate years, offered 1971-72. 316 ANALYSIS OF TEACHING INDIVIDUAL AND TEAM SPORTS (2) A theory and laboratory course designed to acquaint students with teaching progres­ sion, practice techniques, selection and care of equipment for selected sport activities. Prerequ isi t e: Completion of all required 100 level courses. Alternate years, offered 1971-72. 320 ANALYSIS OF INDIVIDUAL AND DUAL SPORTS I (Women) (2) The organization and conduct of tennis, badminton, and archery competition, progres­ sion drills, and practice techniques; coaching; selection and care of equipment. Pre­ requisite: 114, 127. Alternate years, offered 1971-72. 321 ANALYSIS OF INDIVIDUAL AND DUAL SPORTS II (Women) (2) The organization and conduct of aquatics, golf, gymnastics; balance and posture. Prerequisite: 104, 116, 121. Alternate years, offered 1972-73. 322 ANALYSIS OF TEAM SPORTS (Women) (3) A theory and laboratory course designed to acquaint students with progression, prac­ tice techniques, selection and care of equipment, and the teaching of field sports, volleyball, basketball, and softball. Prerequisite: 125, 129. Alternate years, offered 1972-73. 324 ANALYSIS OF RHYTHMICAL ACTIVITIES (Women) (2) Instructional materials and methods suitable for all areas of rhythmical activities. Prerequisite: 116, 201. Alternate years, offered 1971-72. 400 ADMINISTRATION AND PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION (3) Implementing the activity program through proper organization; use of tests and meas­ nrements; purchase and care of equipment; public relations at all levels; auxiliary activity programs offered by organizations outside the school; the place of the intra­ mural and inter-school program; development of principles which serve as a basis for the profession. Alternate years, offered 1971-72. 61

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